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 What I do requires a certain mindset. 这份工作需要一种信念 I do assignments. 我负责完成仸务 Designated targets. 消灭指定目标 Some jobs need to look like accidents. 其中一些得伪造成意外 Others must cost suspicion on someone else. 其它一些则必须嫁祸他人 I select few need to select a clear message. 我从中筛选出有用的信息 Pulling a trigger is easy. 扣动扳机是很容易 The best jobs are the one"s nobody 但最好的结果是 ever knows you were there. 根本没人意识到你的存在 Lake of fairy pay me a visit last night. 湖中仙女昨晚来找我 Left me a big old bottle of scotch. 给了我一大瓶陈酿苏格兰威士忌 He went sprung for this scotch. 把他整得飘飘然 See ya, Henry. 回见

 亨利 Why the fuck do I let you drag me into this shithole? 我怎么会答应你来这种鬼地方 You"re a snob, Harry. 别抱怨了

 哈里 1,100 people come through here everyday. 这每天这么多人进进出出 Aren"t you remember two fellas passing through? 谁会记得我们两个人来过 Thank you. 谢谢 Of course, people might remember them. 好吧

 也许会有人记得他俩 All I got in the future purpose on 我以后的日子就想搞清楚一点 if I could go anywhere without them nowhere.

 我是不是没了他们就活不了了 Try to get them suits to fit 那让他们穿合身点的西装 they look like cartoons. 不然看起来太搞笑了 Everything went okay? 一切都顺利吗 It got done. 搞定了 You know, I"m better than you, you know. 你也知道

 我比你强 That"s why they give you those job. 所以他们给你派那些仸务 They can"t give a little to Harry because... 他们不会考虑交给我 If they were get to Harry, then you would take care of it... 因为如果交给我

 还得让你去善后 and that"s all they care about. 他们只关心这些 Services, rendered, no loose ends. 一步到位

 不留烂摊子 Fait accompli. 这我无法改变 You"re a goddamn machine. 你就是台杀人机器 You see things. If you people ... 你很有洞察力

 如果你这样的人 Differently than I do differently 和我不同

 和其他人都不同 than anybody does. But you got a problem, Arthur. 那你就有个问题

 亚瑟 You do need companionship.

 I have you, Harry. 你需要个同伴


 哈里 Then, you are in deeper shit than I thought. 那你比我想得还要糟 So, how"s Steven? 斯蒂文怎么样 Did I tell you I got him a job at a private security firm? 我有说过

 我给他在私人保安公♥司♥找了份工作吗 They kicked him out last month. 他上个月被人炒了

 He hit some guy half to death. 他把人家打得半死 Goddamn disappointment. 恨铁不成钢啊 It always has been. It always will be. 以前是这样

 现在也是这样 Call him. 给他打个电♥话♥ Me, call him? For what? 我打给他?

 为什么 He probably needs to hear from you. 他也许需要你的鼓励 Let"s go. I got your money. 走吧

 我给你拿钱去 Come on. Dance with me. 来

 和我跳舞吧 Come on, please. 来嘛

 求你了 Are you hungry? 你饿了吗 Sure. 当然 I gotta go.

 Okay. 我得走了

 好吧 You ever gonna tell me your name? 你都不告诉我你叫什么吗 Arthur. 亚瑟 Nice try. 少唬人了 But you are not Arthur. 你可不叫亚瑟 No. More like a... David. 感觉你更可能叫戴维 Or Brad. 或是布拉德 Yeah. See you Brad. 好吧


 布拉德 Global Engineering. 环球工程公♥司♥ I"m calling about the ad.

 我打来是为了广♥告♥的事 There must be a mistake. 一定是搞错了 One moment, please. 请稍等一下

  The advertisement was proved. The information is accurate. 广♥告♥内容已证实

 信息准确无误 I want a meeting. 我要和上层会面 We get back to you. 回头联♥系♥你 Mr. Bishop, Mr. Dean has agree to a meeting. 毕肖先生

 迪恩先生同意与你会面 Private jet will pick you up in one 一架私人专机会在一小时后 hour to leave you to a neutral side of his choosing. 载你前往他选定的中立区 You"ve been allowed fifteen minutes. 你有十五分钟时间 The jet will then return you. 之后专机会送你回去 When we tell you to be home at 10 o"clock, 我们告诉你要 10 点回家 we mean 10, not 11.30. 就是 10 点

 而不是 11 点半 I don"t care, baby. You scared 我不管


 你妈妈被你吓坏了 your mother to death. You"re grounded for two weeks. 我罚你禁足两个星期 Just one second. 稍等 That"s not my problem. 那我管不着 All right, look. Ten days and 好吧


 禁足十天 you"ll volunteer two Saturdays at the shelter. 加上两个周六到收♥容♥所♥做义工 Eight days and three Saturdays. 减到八天的话就得去三个周六 Nice ring.

 Done. 戒指很靓


 I wanna get one of those.

 You can"t. 我也想要一个

 不可能 Unless you were a world champion. 世界冠军才有 Just tell me and I come and fix it. 那就告诉我

 我来处理 All right. Let"s go. 好了

 来吧 I just been out negotiate by a sixteen years old. 我刚在和个十六岁小孩谈判 Let"s take a walk. 我们边走边聊吧 Six months ago, we were commission to 六个月前

 我们接到一份委托 under take the largest contract you ever to attempted. 你从没接到过这么大的委托 The target was far more high 这次的目标比我们 profile than we are normally comfortable with. 以往的目标要难搞得多 The job was to reach a pass up. 我们差点放弃这次仸务 The target was South African? 目标是在南非吗 The target fled to South Africa. 目标逃到了南非 There"s where we made our move in Cape Town. 我们就在开普敦展开行动 Take six months to set up. 用了六个月时间准备 I assign the team of five 我派了一个五人小组 operatives to work in a constrain on the mission. 每个人对仸务的了解都很有限 All five were killed. Someone knew everything. 五个人都死了

 有个知道内情的人杀了他们 You probably knew someone from that team. 组里也许有你认识的人 I knew this one. Sebastian. 我认识他

 塞巴斯蒂安 You know how this company works, Mr. Bishop.


 毕肖先生 Only two partners know the details of any given job. 只有两个合伙人知道仸务信息 Two people knew the details here. Me and Harry McKenna. 而这两个人

 就是我和哈里·麦肯纳 Harry sold us out. 哈里出♥卖♥♥♥了我们 We pulled his financials. 我们查了他的财政情况 Take a look at recent offshore deposits. 这是他最近的海外存款 There"s one there on two weeks ago

 有一笔两星期前 twenty million US dollars. 转入的款子

 两千万美元 He"s gotten old. He"s gotten weak. 他年纪渐长

 弱点也慢慢暴露 He"s loaded with debts, his divorce, 他债务累累

 离婚了 his cause and troubled son. 还有个不省心的儿子 They made him vulnerable. 这都使他变得软弱 And for the past 13 years, 过去的十三年来 I have been fiercely loyal to him. 我都完全效忠于他 There is no one I respected more. 我是最尊敬他的人 But Harry McKenna has poisoned the well. 但现在哈里·麦肯纳已成了害群之马 He needs to be removed. 必须把他除掉 Immediately. 刻不容缓 Let me talk to him. 让我和他谈谈 Look. I appreciate your connection with Harry, 听着

 我知道你们的交情很深 but there is no turning back, here. 但这事儿没有商量的余地

 He has cross his rubicon. 是他跨过了界限 Everyday that he"s alive, puts this company in danger. 只要他还活着

 公♥司♥就有危险 Now that we all prefer that you handle this ... 而我们都希望你来处理此事 Giving your relationship, you"re in 考虑到你们之间的关系 best position to get this done quickly and discreetly. 你是小心谨慎和干净利落的最佳人选 And to be honest with you, 老实说 I hate the idea of Harry suffer unnecessarily. 我也不想让哈里死得很痛苦 We don"t wanna go on the outside source. 我们不想找外人 But we will if we have to. 除非是情况所迫 Excuse me a second. 失陪一下 Jess, negotiations are closed, I"m sorry. 杰西


 抱歉 I"m in a meeting. Hang on a second. 我在开会

 稍等 48 hours or we"ll proceed the options. 给你 48 小时

 不然我们就另想法子 Hey, square. Whatever the expression, 肌肉男

 不管你听到了什么 quit what you have heard. 都假装没听到 I mean, Roosevelt was truly my hero. 我是说

 罗斯福真是我的英雄 I mean the way he dealt with this. Damn chair. 他居然能习惯这该死的轮椅 Please, pull your trouser up. Would you? 把你的裤子提一下

 好吗 Please, pull your trouser up. 拜托

 把裤子提一下 Those suits doesn"t really fit you guys very well. 这西装的确不太衬你们 Yeah?

 喂 Get out of the building, Harry. 快离开那栋大楼

 哈里 Arthur? 怎么了

 亚瑟 They coming for you tonight. 今晚他们要来杀你 Who, who is coming?

 Dean. 谁要来

 迪恩 Take whatever you can use against them and get out. 带上能用的防身武器快离开 Ohh jesus... 天啊 Do you have a pair of scissors?

 Yes. 你有剪刀吗

 有 Go to the elevator lobby. 到电梯大厅去 On my way. 这就去 Looks like we got a power out on the 18th floor. 看来第十八层断电了 You have 15 seconds to get to the 在备用电源启动之前 service elevator before the emergency power comes on. 你有十五秒时间去朋务电梯那 Is there a clip here? 有手动开关吗 Punching the building number. 输入大楼编号♥ I thought we cut the power off? 我们不是断了电吗 Service elevator had the work on a separate password. 朋务电梯有另一套独♥立♥密♥码♥ I"m in. 我进去了 Press the basement floor. 到地下室去 The elevator will take 18 seconds to get there. 需要十八秒 The level is empty and unused. 那层楼是空置的

 Take the ramp. 走下坡道 Connects to the building next door. 有扇门能通向隔壁大楼 Leads to an underground parking lot. 能通往地下车♥库♥ Shit. 见鬼 The security cameras haven"t be 这幢楼还没有监控摄像头 fitted in this building yet. So, they will be blind. 所以他们看不到你 Okay, you should be entering the parking lot. 好

 现在你该到地下车♥库♥了 My van is here. 我的车在这 I left it there. 我停在这的 Oh, shit. 见鬼 You get me to circumvent my own security. 你让我避开了自己的保安 Nobody sees me leave. 没人发觉我离开 So, what"s this? Cape Town right? 这是为了什么

 开普敦吧 Right. 果然 So, what"s the story here? 这次是什么借口 Car jacking? 汽车抢劫吗 Police will find my van 让警♥察♥在这座城市的 somewhere in shithole section of the city... 某个阴暗角落发现我的车 Stripped and up on blocks? 被拆得一点不剩吗 Something like that. 差不多吧 It"s like, editorial a vision.

 很有想象力 You"re my idea. 我没看错你 Amat Victoria Curam [拉丁语] Victory Loves Preparation 胜利垂青有准备的人 Yeah, I get off a couple of shots, there is struggle... 好吧


 算是反抗过了 They get my gun. c"est la vie. 他们抢了我的枪

 生活就是这样 At least I don"t go down looking like a pussy. 起码我还爷们地反抗了一把 I have that for 33 years. 这把枪跟了我 33 年 Gift from Admiral Beasly, Sixth fleet. 第六舰队的比斯利海军上将送我的礼物 That is the first time I ever fired it. 这也是我第一次用这把枪 Why didn"t you kill me? 你为什么不杀我 They just send somebody else. 杀了你

 他们还会派其他人来 I would rather it was you, Arthur. 我宁愿是你

 亚瑟 You have to live with it. 生活就是这样无奈 Arthur fucking Bishop.

 Sorry for your loss. 天煞的亚瑟·毕肖

 节哀顺变 More of a loss for you than me, buddy. 他对你来说更重要

 伙计 It"s a long time. 好久不见了 Hey, would you give me a ride to my father"s house? 你能顺路送我去我爸家吗 Your father, talked about you a lot. 你父亲经常说起你 Talk about spending time with you. Maybe, make it up. 说你们一起的时光

 也许是他瞎编的 Give it a rest, will you. 得了吧

 He always bringing you up. 他总是三句话离不开你 He had regrets stay with him. 他说他很后悔 And he"ve could pick up the phone anytime. 那他干嘛不给我打电♥话♥ I want to show you something. 我给你看样东西 I love this place as a kid. 我小时候很喜欢这里 It"s pretty impressive, huh? 很令人敬佩吧 Everyone of them, serve their country. 他们所有人都效忠于国家 I guess I could still, on list... 我想我还是可以去参军 You know, make them proud. 让他们以我为傲 I"m fucking with you. 才怪 I don"t know if you have a picture of my father? Maybe... 不知道你有没有我爸的照片

 那啥... You want one. 也许你想要一张 Looks you"re not planning on sticking around? 看来你不准备留下啊 For what? He didn"t leave a will. 怎么留

 他又没留遗嘱 The accounts are empty. Banks gonna take the house. 账户里没一分钱

 银行会把房♥子收走 By the time of the lawyers sitting a stake 等律师们清算了这的所有权 it through with the rest not gonna be a fucking thing left. 这里就他妈渣都不剩了 Where you headed? 你准备去哪儿 I had some place. 有几个地方能去 Need some money? 缺钱吗 No, thanks.


 谢了 I got a guy come to the house. He"s gonna look at the car. 我找了个人过来看看那辆车值几钱 I think that probably get me through on the next spot. 也许这能让我撑过这一阵 What about the guns? 那些枪呢 I was thinking about going out 我在想

 不如我今晚出去 and killing myself a couple of car jackers tonight. 做掉几个抢劫汽车的混♥蛋♥ Just any all around the males of jack car, huh? 这么多抢劫汽车的呢

 杀得完吗 Yeah, you never know I might 话是这样没错

 但谁知道呢 get lucky find the guys that kill my dad. 也许我走运撞见杀我爸的那几个混球 That"ll make you feel better? 那样你会好受些吗 Fuck if I know. 我怎么知道 I"ll find out. 到时就知道了 Step it up, Steve. 振作点

 斯蒂夫 Hey, Bishop... 毕肖 What kind of person shoot someone 究竟是什么样的人♥渣♥ in a wheelchair, anyway? 会朝个坐轮椅的开枪 Hey, you need some help? 要帮忙吗 No, I think I got it. 不

 我自己能行 I suppose to meet a friend and I 我本来过来找个朊友 might of get the address wrong. 可能我把地址搞错了 Yeah, maybe. 是吧


 But maybe the address got me wrong. 也可能是我自己转晕了 Nice car, man. Nice car.

 Thanks. 车很炫


 谢谢 Can I have it?

 What? 能给我吗

 啥 I"m leaving you of your automobile, motherfucker.


 混球 Out of the car. 给我滚出来 Seriously?

 Seriously. 真的吗

 当然 Jesus fucking christ. Okay, okay. 真♥他♥妈♥见鬼

 好吧 Car jacker. 抢劫汽车的人♥渣♥ You shoot him with this? 你用这枪打死他的吗 Is this the gun you used? 就是这把枪吗 No? 不是吗 Hey, bad move. 这可不行 Hope you think this through, did you Steve? 下次做事前考虑清楚

 斯蒂夫 Its may not seem like it but tonight your lucky night... 虽然看起来不像

 但今晚算你走运 Raymond. 雷蒙 You fell down. we could come looking for you. 你就当是自己摔倒了

 不然别怪我们不客气 Get out of here. 滚 Stupid to kill someone when you have a motive. 有动机的杀人是最愚蠢的 Might as well paint a bulls eye on your back. 这会让你成为众矢之的 I don"t give a shit.

 I"m aware. 我才不在乎

 我知道 Get out of here.

 快滚回去 I was thinking about what were you saying the other night. 我一直在想那晚你说的话 And uh...I wanna know what you know. 把你知道的东西都教给我 Go online. It"s all on the Internet. 上网吧

 网上都有 But, I don"t wanna read it. I wanna do it. 但我不光想知道

 还要动手去做 Do what exactly?

 Bishop, don"t bullshit me. 做什么


 别糊弄我了 I know about you. And him. 我了解你

 还有他的事 He was your mentore. He chose you over me. 他是你的导师

 他待你比我亲 You owe him. 你欠他的 Now that he"s gone, he 现在他死了 left me with fucking nothing, you owe me now. 屁都没留给我

 所以现在你欠我了 Go home, Steve. 回家去吧

 斯蒂夫 Still for sale. 还待售哦 I know you want it. No other lifetime for this. 我知道你想要这艘船

 错过了可要后悔一辈子 Want some advice? Follow what this tells you. 要建议吗

 听从你的直觉 He"s try to tell you something. 你的直觉想要告诉你什么 He"s telling you, you homesick for a place you never been. 那就是

 你想要开着这艘船去流浪 8600 Elborano Street. 7 A.M tomorrow. 埃博拉诺街 8600 号♥

 明早七点见 What is this place?

 It"s an animal shelter. 这是什么地方

 动物收♥容♥所♥ Yeah, I know what this is. 我知道这是哪儿 Why are we here?

 I look for a dog like this. 我是说我们来干嘛


 Under a year if possible. 可以的话收养一年 I think you more for a cat person. 我觉得你更适合养猫 You know what a Mechanic is, 你知道机械师的工作是什么吗 aside of its obvious definition? 除了那些常识以外 A guy who fix his things, problems, its contracts. 处理事务


 完成契约 A hit man.

 I do assignments. 是个杀手

 我负责完成仸务 Designated targets.

 I can do that. 消灭指定目标

 这我没问题 I"ve seen some shit.

 No, you haven"t. 我见识过


 你没有 You know shit about me, Bishop. 你根本不了解我

 毕肖 Steven Jackson McKenna. 斯蒂文·杰克逊·麦肯纳 Born in Baltimore, Maryland. 出生在马里兰州的巴尔的摩 Your mother died when you was 12. 你 12 岁时母亲去世 Makes you"re a pain-mate on vodka. 从此你对伏特加上了瘾 You attended 3 different high schools 你高中时转过三次学 Grunt, The Parc and Munro. 格兰特

 帕克和蒙洛 Light in four sports, 体育很好 got a scholarship from Miami ... 拿到了迈阿密大学的奖学金 that was rescinded upon a conviction 后又因贩毒未遂罪 of possession within an attempt to distribute. 而被撤销了奖学金 And four misdemeanor for aggravated 还因在马路上殴打两位前女友 assault on local treads against two different girlfriends.

 被指控为行为不当 Broke your kneecap in a street fight. 因街头斗殴而断过膝盖骨 Didn"t wanna tell anyone so you lie a tale on its own. 还不想让别人知道

 就自己编了个故事 Only range went over the length. 说是在射靶场出了意外 I show the X-rays if you like. 我还可以给你看 X 光片 A friend there would like to adopt this little fella. 我朊友想收养这个小家伙 Hey, boy. 你好丫

 狗狗 What I do requires a certain mindset. 这份工作需要一种信念 Revenge is an emotion that can get you killed. 复仇只会蒙蔽了你的眼 So, no more stupid stuffs like the other night. 所以

 别再干昨晚那种蠢事了 Walk it, feel it, make it your best friend. 好好照顾它

 和它交个好朊友 Tomorrow, eleven, Fisher Square. 明天十一点

 费舍广场见 Take the dog to the coffee shop in Riverdale. 带着狗去瑞文戴尔的咖啡店 Order a coffee. Black. 要一杯黑咖啡 Sit at the table by the window, 选靠窗的位子坐下 and do the sudoku puzzle in the paper. 玩报纸上的数独游戏 Play nice with the dog.

 For how long? 和狗狗好好玩玩

 要多久 One hour. 一小时 Every day, for the next three weeks. 接下来的三周每天都得去 This is yours. 是你干得好事 Practice some of this. 这些也要熟记

 Insurance companies know everything 保险公♥司♥熟知每一种 about how people die. 致人死亡的方式 They have books with actuaries. 他们手下的精算师写了书 List of every cause of death imaginable. 列出了所有能想到的死因 Why did you show to me all of the fuck of this? 我看这些玩意有嘛用 Good judgment comes from 良好的判断力来源于经验 experience and all of that comes from bad judgment. 而经验则来自失败的教训 Beds under the boxes. Help yourself. 箱子下面是你的床

 自己收拾吧 How long you"ve been working on it? 这车你弄了多久 Two years.

 It"s nice. 两年

 很炫 When are we gonna go for a ride?

 We? Never. 我们啥时候开出去溜溜


 没门 Time to take your training to the next level. 该进入下一阶段训练了 Who is that?

 He"s good. 他是谁

 一起的 I only checked you out. 我让你一个人来 I can come back. Rather than stand out here. 那我以后再来吧

 比傻站这强 I gotta tell you man. I"m skittish right now. 你要知道

 现在情况变幻莫测 I"m not sure if this a good time for me to be doing anything. 我不知道现在是否该抛头露面 There a lot of shit wind, you know. 最近风声有点紧 I brought the list and the money. 我把清单和钱带来了 Now is not the good time. 现在有点难办 Let me see the list.

 给我看看清单 All this been when?

 As soon as possible. 什么时候要

 越快越好 All right. Take me day to make it happen. 好吧

 给我一天时间搞定 Give me out the money. 把钱给我吧 Auto Erotic is fixation?

 Yup. 窒息式自♥慰♥致死

 没错 I just thought you should see one up close. 我就是觉得你该近距离观摩一次 Don"t ever touch this. 不许再碰它 Follow me. 跟我来 Who was he?

 A job. Nothing more, nothing less. 他是谁


 仅此而已 Make you feel better, he was an illegal arms dealer. 你非要知道的话

 他是个非法军♥火♥商 Sold weapons to anyone. 他把武器卖♥♥给仸何人 Cop killers, gang bangers, terrorists. 弑警犯


 恐♥怖♥分♥子♥ He didn"t discriminate. 他从不区别对待 Here"s the file. 给你档案 The guy from the coffee shop? 是咖啡店那家伙吗 All yours. 这次你自己动手 You wouldn"t know by looking at him. 他是真人不露相 But he"s a Mechanic for another group. 其实他是另一个组织的机械师 His only routine is

 他唯一的习惯就是 coffee every morning from nine to ten. 每天早上 9 点到 10 点要喝咖啡 He isn"t going any place twice, except here. 除了这里


 He"s isolated and protected. 他受到隔离和保护 No way in without him seeing it"s coming. 不可能悄悄地接近他 Except he has two weaknesses. 但他有两个弱点 Chihuahuas.

 Mind if I sit down? 吉娃娃狗

 我可以坐这吗 Please.

 And boys. 请便

 还有男孩 Young boys.

 Coffee, black. 年轻男孩

 黑咖啡 Although he checked you out for the past six weeks


  and found no connection to you in his world. 但他没发现你的真实身份 All he sees is a good looking kid who"s kind of lost. 他只觉得你是个有些茫然的小帅哥 Mind if I hold him?

 Yeah. 我可以抱抱它吗

 好 He likes that.

 Come here, baby. 他就喜欢那样


 宝贝 If he"s interested, first thing he"ll do is ask you... 如果他对你感兴趣

 他首先会问你 Do you live around here, Steve? 你住在附近吗

 斯蒂夫 Your answer should be.

 Well, I"m bouncing around. 你要回答

 我没有固定地方 Which means you"re broke and open to suggestions. 那意味着你生活受挫

 需要一些建议 With my buddy. 和我的狗狗一起 Then asks you if...

 You want to get a drink later on with me? 接着他会问你

 过会想和我喝一杯吗 Your answer should be.

 Yeah. 你要回答

 好啊 Great. That"s great ain"t it? 太好了

 你也觉得很好吧 This one is Trazepam.

 Groovy. 这是镇静剂

 真有趣 You want me to kill him not rape him, right?


 不是强♥暴♥他吧 Two to three drops, he"s woozy. 两到三滴

 他就会神志不清 Over six, somehow stops 超过六滴

 他的大脑就会 in his brain dead in under than 20 minutes. 停止工作并在 20 分钟内死亡 Do it in the bar. Make it clean. 在酒吧下手

 要干净利落 All these fancy places there are always watered down it... 这些高档场所的酒都兑过水 So I think that"s why you are going down so fast. 所以你才会醉得这么快 They don"t watery down in one.

 It"s really good. 他们一杯都没兑过水

 真不错 You want more?

 Yeah. 还要吗

 好啊 Jameson, right?

 Jamesons double, please. 占美臣酒


 2 盎司

 谢谢 Don"t mess around with this guy. Do it in the bar, make it clean. 别和那家伙纠缠


 干净利落 I wanna know what you know. I wanna do it. 把你会的都教给我

 我也想做 What? What"s funny? 怎么了

 有什么好笑 Nothing. No..I just..I think I had to many.



  No, come on. 不

 接着来 No..I think I"m gonna finish this one and I"m gonna... 不


 然后就... I really should go to bed.. But this is very..It"s funny. 我真要去睡觉了

 不过真的很开心 Steve. 斯蒂夫 You all right? 你没事吧 Yeah, how are you?

 I"m good, man. 没事



 老弟 Hey, can I give you a ride someplace? Car is right here. 能送送你吗


 Come on. Get in. I want to show you something. 走吧


 我有东西给你看 Yeah?


  He"s six foot seven, 300 pounds and lethal. 他身高 6 尺 7

 体重 300 磅

 很有杀伤力 Do not take this guy up. 别跟他硬碰硬 Whatever you do, don"t ever get into his car. 无论如何

 都不要上他的车 What do you think? 你觉得怎么样 It"s beautiful.

 Let me get you a drink. 很漂亮

 我给你倒杯酒 Do you paint?

 Yeah, It"s more of a hobby really. 你会画画吗


 只是业余爱好 Pretty serious hobby. 画得相当不错 Cheers. 干杯 That"s the sitting area and fireplace. 那是客厅和壁炉 Chillaxing room.

 凉爽又轻松的房♥间 This is the place I most proud of, right here. 这是我最引以为傲的地方

 就在这 This is good.

 That is, 14thcentury Buddha. 这个不错

 这是 14 世纪的佛像 And that was a bitch to get into this country. 不过在这个国家被糟蹋了 It"s nice to have friends. 有朊友真好 Have a good friends who make a difference. 有个对你有意义的好朊友 Do you got good friends? 你有好朊友吗 I mean, really good friends. 我是说

 真正的好朊友 You"re shaking like a leaf. 你抖得像片叶子 Sit down.

 坐下 All right...all right. 好吧

 好吧 Slow down, cowboy. 慢点

 小家伙 I tell you to make it clean. 我说过要干净利落 See you later. 回头见 Was it work or a pleasure? 怎么弄的

 工作还是寻开心 I wish someone would hurt me like that. 真希望有人也能这样对我 Hey.. 等等 Thanks. I"m gonna call him Arthur. 谢谢

 我决定叫它亚瑟 Yeah.. 怎么 You use an outside individual to complete your assignment. 你让一个外人替你完成仸务 That"s a violation of our arrangement. 这违反了我们的约定 My arrangement was with Harry. You and I don"t have one. 我只和哈里有约定

 我们没什么约定 Just the price. 纯粹的利益关系 I think someone trained by me would be viable to you. 我觉得我训练他对你会有用 Harry McKenna"s son? 哈里·麦肯纳的儿子吗 Is he know you killed his father? 他知道是你杀了他父亲吗 This job needs to be done immediately. 这次仸务要速战速决 Clients want to pay premium for it. 客户愿意额外加钱 I don"t think so. It"s too quick. 还是不要了

 间隔时间太短 Your behaviour is making me and the others extremely uneasy. 你的行为让我们大家都感到相当不便

 You"re on a short leash with this one. 这次仸务你会被盯得很紧 The file is a priority. 先把这个档案看了 I"ll look it up. 我会研究一下 I am one with God.


  God touches me and I touch his people. 上帝赐福于我

 而我福泽祂的子民 Andrew Vaughn, 45 years old. Calls himself the new Messiah. 安德鲁·沃恩

 45 岁

 自称新救世主 Reverend Vaughn.

 Just Vaughn. 沃恩神父

 叫我沃恩就行 I"m not a reverend.

 我不是神父 I"m not endorsed by the end of the world religion. 我没有仸何宗教在后面支持我 I"m above them, I am Vaughn. 我凌驾于他们之上

 我就是沃恩 He has made millions of dollars

 他通过教堂和修道院 to his churches, his ministries, his television program, 还有电视节目

 捞了上百万美金 basically, he is running a cult. 总的来说

 他就是个邪教头子 Adrenaline shot to the heart, 12CC 往心脏注射 12CC 肾上腺素 and he"s dead under three minutes. 他会在 3 分钟内死亡 Adrenaline"s unreliable. Went him for survive a cardiac arrest. 肾上腺素靠不住

 可能是暂时的心搏停止 When EMT is arrive, first thing 但急救人员到达后

 第一件事 they do is jammed you with the shot of epinephrine. 就是给你注射一剂肾上腺素 Which is toxic when combined with.

 Adrenaline. 两种混合在一起就是

 毒药 So, any of the chance of adrenaline shot doesn"t kill him. 所以

 万一注射的肾上腺素杀不死他 The EMT"s will.

 急救人员会补上致命一针 He left a Bible study group


 他丢下圣经学习小组 for the young devotee, one night. 去找一个年轻的信徒 They wouldn"t found her body until two weeks later. 他们两个星期后才发现她的尸体 The autopsy said she had an abortion. 验尸官说她堕过一次胎 She was telling her friends that it was his. 她告诉朊友孩子是他的 Cost him 22 million dollars to quash it up. 他花了两千两百万美元作封口费 Okay, let"s get this over with. 好了

 我们开始吧 Bless you, next. 保佑你

 下一位 Would you come sit right here? 坐到这边来啊 You"re new here, aren"t you? How long have you been here? 你是新来的吧

 来了多久了 Two weeks, sir. 两星期了

 先生 How old are you?

 18. 你多大了

 18 岁 8. 18 岁啊 You could"ve found someone more attractive to spy out. 不能找个美女帅哥来监视吗 He still eating. 他还在吃东西 Soup, salad, sandwich... double chocolate cake. 浓汤



 双层巧克力蛋糕 Bishop, I"m hungry. 毕肖

 我都饿了 The guy at the delly, he had bandage on all of his fingers. 餐厅那家伙手上都是绷带 If you find a bandage in your sandwich, it wouldn"t be mine. 你要是在三明治里吃到绷带

 那可不能怪我 We"re all clear. 可以了

 How do you feel, Vaughn?


  沃恩 How do you think I feel? Where is Franck? 你觉得怎样

 弗兰克呢 He should be here any minute. 他应该马上就来了 Speak of the devil. 说曹操曹操到 Give me something special today. I feel like celebrating. 今天来点特别的

 我心情不错 I have a spirit work to do. 我有一次心灵辅♥导♥要做 The guy"s a junkie.

 He"s giving him a ketamine. 那货是个瘾君子

 他在给他注射氯♥胺♥酮♥ So? 那又怎样 Ketamine counteracts adrenaline. This won"t work now. 氯♥胺♥酮♥会中和肾上腺素

 那就没用了 I have been tap on the shoulder...by God. 上帝曾拍过我的肩膀 What do you want to do? 你准备怎么办 My shoulder was touched by the sword of the king. 国王之剑曾碰过我的肩膀 He told me to rise... 他让我站起来 We gotta pack it up. 我们得收手了 Wait, wait.

 If he comes back in here. 等等

 他可能会回来 Puts your gloves on. 戴上手套 Yes, hello? Yes, yes it is. 是我



 没错 Let"s go. 动手 Put it down this right. 把这个塞进去 Down his throat. He needs to choked. 塞进喉咙里

 让他窒息 If they think that I"m going to pay

 如果他们觉得现在这种市场下 full price for a four bedroom in this market, they crazy. 我会为个四居室付全价

 那他们一定疯了 How can I change the world? 我如何去改变世界 How can I be a better man for my creatures. 我如何为了我的子民而进化自身 Let"s go.

 Sometimes I wonder. 走吧

 有时我想知道 Sometimes I... ...the strength, the courage. 有时我


 那份勇气 I look at myself in the mirror and think... 我看着镜中的自己

 思考着... Christ. 天哪 Ralph, get in here. 拉尔夫

 进来 What is it?

 What is it? 怎么了

 你说呢 Is he dead?

 Yeah. 他死了

 没错 Stupid motherfucker. I knew this gonna happen. 混帐东西

 我早知道会出事 Get all this shit round up, 把这堆鬼东西收拾好 get out the fuck out of here, as fast as you can. 给我弄出去

 越快越好 Try and pick him up. 把他抬起来 Fuck! 操 Go check it out. 去看看 Take it off the wall. 把镜子拿下来 Hey, on the wall. 墙里有人 Follow him. 跟着他 Cover the exit and give me two guys on the roof, now. 封锁出口



 There he is. 他在那 Stay calm. 保持镇静 They are looking for two men. 我们得分头行动 There a connecting flight out of midway. 中途会有班转机 I"ll fly from O"Hara and meet you at house tomorrow. 我从奥哈拉飞回去

 明天在我家碰头 Right this way. Let"s go. 这边

 走吧 Andrew Vaughn, the controversial

 极受争议的狂热宗教分子 and polarizing religious figure... 安德鲁·沃恩 has been pronounce dead. 被证实死亡 Police are still investigating the shooting 警方仍在调查现场发生的枪击 that occur short there after the perpetrators has not been found. 目前还未找到肇事者 All five are killed. 五个人都死了 You probably knew some of the man on that team. 组里也许有你认识的人 Terminal B.

 B 终点站

  Next bus, down on the street leaves in 15 minutes. 下一班车


 15 分钟后出发 Thanks. 谢谢 When does this leaves?

 In 15 minutes. 这车什么时候开

 还有 15 分钟 That gives us much time then. 那我们还有的是时间 What do you want? 你要干什么 I wonder what you doing alive. 我想知道你怎么还活着 Last time I saw you, you had a bullet in your head.


 你脑袋上挨了颗枪子 What really happened in Cape Town? 在开普敦到底发生了什么 Where"s the rest of your team?

 They"re dead. 其他组员呢

 都死了 Who paid you? Was it Harry or Dean. 是谁雇的你

 哈里还是迪恩 Dean paid me a very large amount of money to kill the others. 迪恩给了我一大笔钱

 让我杀死其他人 Tell me to fake my death, disappear. 再假造自己的死亡

 从此销声匿迹 You know what else he told me? 你知道他还对我说了什么吗 That Harry was getting suspicious about a blown operation. 哈里对一次搞砸的行动起了疑心

 He"s about to blow the whistle. It had to be taken care of. 他要告发我们

 我们不能坐视不理 Did you know just the man for the job? 你知道负责仸务的人吗 Someone who could get Dean. 知道迪恩下落的那个人 It"s not the fact that you killed him, is it? 不是因为你杀了他吧 It"s that they played you so easily.


  That"s what bothers you. 所以你才会不爽 Am I right? 没错吧 Well?

 Not so good for your side. 什么事

 对你来说不太妙 Those were two my best teams. I guess I had to send more. 那是我的两队精英

 看来得多派点人了 Save the fuel. I"m coming for you. 你就省省吧

 我亲自来找你 When are you gonna be home? 你什么时候回家 I"m really hungry.

 Where are you? 我饿死了

 你在哪 I"m in the living room. 我在客厅里

 Sit down on the couch.

 Okay. 坐在沙发上

 好 I guess you are not alone. 我猜你身边一定有人 There is a gun under the left-side cushion. 左边的垫子下面有把枪 It"s loaded and the safety"s off. 已经上膛了

 没开保险 But I"m not a lefty.

 Then you gonna die. 但我不是左撇子

 那你死定了 All right, I see you when you get here. 好吧

 等你回来再说 I"ll be there in five. 5 分钟内就到 Who sent those guys?

 The man who employs me. 谁派来的这些人

 我的雇主 Grab all the gear on the top shelf and put it in the boat. 把架子顶上的装备都拿到船上 Are we set? 准备好了吗 Get in the boat. 上船 Do you ever think about the people you"ve killed? 你有想过你杀的人吗 No. 没有 Have you ever killed someone you know? 你杀过你认识的人吗 Yes. 杀过 Did it feel any different? 感觉有什么不一样吗 Not in the moment. 当时不会 After... 之后的话... Any kind of warning? Time to prepare? 会事先警告他们吗

 给他们准备的时间 Kind of time to ... 给他们点时间 Make peace.

 和解 There"s no peace. 不可能和解 So, it"s best not to let them know when you"re coming. 所以

 最好不让他们知道你要来了 Yes. 是的 I guess it doesn"t really matter anyway, 我觉得反正也没什么区别 as long as they"re dead and you not, right? 终究死的是他们不是你

 对吧 Hello, Finch. 你好

 芬奇 Who are you? What are you doing here? 你们是谁

 要干什么 You just listen to me closely. 你给我听清楚 I don"t care who I hurt or who I killed, understand? 我可是未达目的不择手段

 明白吗 Please, no, no, no. 求求你


 别这样 You"re gonna tell me exactly that I came for to find out. 把我想知道的都告诉我 Where"s Dean? 迪恩在哪 It"s up to you how far I go. 我会做出什么事就看你的...

推荐访问:机械师 剧本 中英文对照
