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时间:2022-06-17 17:10:02 浏览次数:

 救救我 被风暴困住了 我无聊死了 我不想孤寂地死去 什么 What? 喂


 你没事吧 Hey. Hey! Hey, you okay?! 拜托 Please. 拜托别死

 你没事吧 Please don"t be dead. You okay? 你还好吗 You okay? 说句话


 喂 Hello? Hello? Hello? 别死啊

 拜托 Please don"t be dead. Come on. 二

 呼吸 And two. Breathe. 不是吧 Holy shit. 有意思 That was funny. 真有意思 That was really funny. 其实

 我... You know, I... 我一直希望临死的时候 I had always hoped that right before I die... 我的人生会在眼前回放 my life would flash before my eyes 让我看到美好的事物 and I would see wonderful things... 一段满是派对和朋友的人生 A life full of parties and friends and... 我还会学弹吉他 and how I"d learned to play the guitar, 甚至我的生命中

 还会有个女孩 and...And maybe there"d even be a girl. 可真到了我刚才吊在那的时候 But as I was hanging up there... 我其实什么也没看见 I didn"t really see much of anything.

 但我看到了你 But I did see you. 我知道这话蠢透了

 可我... And I know... I know it sounds dumb, but I... 有那么一瞬间我真以为 I really thought for a moment that... 也许

 也许你的出现是有原因的... that maybe, just maybe there was a reason that you... 等等

 等等 Wait! Wait! Wait! 等等我

 等等我 Wait! Wait for me! Wait for me! 走

 向前冲啊 Go! Go! Go! 瑞士军刀男 芝士泡芙 Cheese puffs? 你好啊

 世界 Hello, world! 我叫汉克·汤普森 My name is Hank Thompson, 我独自一人搁浅在了太平洋的一个岛上 and I"ve been stranded out on an island in the Pacific all alone! 而这个人 And this man, 这个人将我从死亡边缘救了回来 this man saved me from the brink of death 他让我像开摩托艇一样把他开了过来 when he allowed me to ride him like a jet ski, 推进器是他的... propelled by his f... 你是怎么做到的 How did you do that? 也许你... Maybe...Maybe your... 你体内的分解产生了气 your gases built up from decomposition 还是你的灵魂在离开你的躯体 and maybe your soul leaving you? 我为什么要跟你说话 Why am I talking to you? 拜托一定要能用啊 Please work. 正在搜索信♥号♥♥

 无服务 7 月 13 日

 星期二 你好啊

 世界 Hello, world. 对不起 I"m sorry. 我得走了 I gotta go. 有人吗 Hello! 有人吗 Hello. 救命 Help! 你看到了吗 You see that? 那里肯定会有人的 There"s gonna be people there. 他们会给我们吃的

 会照顾我们 They"re gonna feed us and take care of us. 大家都会想听听我们的故事 Everybody"s gonna want to hear our story, 我背着你到处走

 肯定会变强壮 and I"m gonna be all buff from carrying you around. 那可不好笑 That"s not funny. 有人吗 Hello? 救命 Help. 救命 Help! *你来自哪里* *Where did you come from?* *你来自哪里

 棉花眼的乔* *Where did you come from, Cotton-Eye Joe?* 天

 你越讨厌的歌♥ Man, it"s always the song that you hate 往往越是挥之不去 that gets stuck in your head. 对不住 Uh, sorry. 你也睡不着吗 You can"t sleep either?


 我妈总会唱这首歌♥ My mom used to sing this song to me when I couldn"t sleep 那样我就不会胡思乱想了

 可我记不住歌♥词了 so I wouldn"t overthink things, but I don"t remember the words. *疯了

 我他妈疯了* *Crazy, I"m fucking crazy.* *也许

 只是也许* *Maybe, just maybe,* *我能独自撑过去* *I"ll make it alone.* *得救

 我以为自己得救了* *Rescued, I thought I was rescued.* *但你只是个死人* *But you"re just a dead dude.* *我要死了* *I"m gonna die.* *肯定有更好的方式离开这里* *There"s gotta be a better way to get out of here.* *你来自哪里

 棉花眼乔* *Where do you come from? Cotton eye Joe?* 让我吃了你 Let me eat you. 拜托 Come on! 谁来救救我 Somebody help! 你

 你就躺在那 You"re...You"re just laying there 像坨恶心的无用的垃圾 like a disgusting, useless sack of shit. 对不起


 我得走了 I"m sorry. I"m sorry. I have to go. 谢谢你的帮忙

 算是帮了我吧 Thanks for your help, kind of. 为什么 Why? 不不不 No. No, no, no. No. 不


 打住 No, you asshole. Stop it. 水

 水啊 Water! Water! 你在干什么

 你在干什么 What are you doing? What are you doing?

 怎么能浪费 What are you doing? 好吧 Okay. 你是这恶心的世界上最恶心的东西了 Ah, you"re the grossest thing in this gross world. 等等

 别啊 Wait. No. 别啊

 拜托 No, please. Please. 我错了

 拜托别停 Please, I"m sorry. Please don"t stop. 什么 What? 曼尼 Manny? 那是你的名字吗 Is that your name? 曼... Mahn... 你好


 我是汉克 Hi, Manny. I"m Hank. 你好 Hello. -你好

 -你...好 - Hello... - Hel... lo... -汉克

 -汉克 - Hank. - Hank. 非常好 That"s very good. 我 I... 来啊


 伙计 Come on. Talk to me, buddy. 别咕哝咕哝的

 拜托 Stop mumbling, please. 跟我说话


 曼尼 Talk to me. Please. Speak up, Manny. 你像个弱智一样 How do you expect anyone 别人还怎么跟你说话啊 to want to talk to you if you sound retarded? 我说话的口气跟我爸一样 I sound like my dad.

 对不起 I"m sorry. 我并非真心是那个意思 I didn"t mean that. 你想怎么说话都行 You talk however you want. 你可以咕哝着说

 整天盯着自己的脚说话都行 You can mumble, look at your feet all day long. 好吗

 哥们儿 Okay, buddy? 好的

 哥们儿 Okay, buddy. 你好 Hello. 你打我♥干♥什么 Why did you hit me? Hey. 你打我♥干♥什么 Why did you hit me? 对不起

 我... I"m sorry. I... 我以为你死了 I thought you were dead. 我死了吗 Am I dead? 我觉得没有

 你都能说话 I don"t think so. You"re talking. 可我听着像个弱智 But I sound retarded. 不会

 你听着很正常 No, no, you sound great. 别说那个词

 我不是... D-don"t say that word. I didn"t... 我是坨没用的... I"m a useless... -垃圾


 老兄 - sack of shit? - No, man. 不是

 我不是那个意思 No. No, I didn"t mean that. 我那样说话太混♥蛋♥了 I was being an asshole. 我不是垃圾吗 I"m not a sack of shit? 不是的

 你很棒 No, you"re amazing.

 你...你是个奇迹 You"re... You"re a miracle, or... 要么就是我饿出幻觉了 or I"m just hallucinating from starvation. 这简直太疯狂了 This is...This is crazy. 疯狂 Crazy... 别别别

 别唱 No, no, no, no, no. 打住

 别唱了 Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop singing. 你不该听到这歌♥的 You weren"t supposed to hear that. 我喜欢

 唱歌♥ Oh, I like that. Singing. 好吧


 你的生活 Okay, can you remember anything about before, y-your life? 你怎么来到这里的

 我们这是在哪 How you got here? Where we are? 你怎么救的我 How you saved me? -任何信息

 -那是什么 - Anything? - Hey, what is that? 那是...不

 我... Oh, that, no. I... 不用管

 别管那个了 Don"t worry... Don"t worry about that. 重要的是

 我们得找到回家的路 What"s important is that we find a way to get home. 好吧

 我在试着回忆... Okay. I"m trying to remember. 家是什么 What is home? 这就是家里的东西 This is from home. 通常里面会装满叫芝士泡芙的东西 It"s normally full of these things called cheese puffs. 明白吗 Okay? 有时候吃完它 Um, sometimes, um, your fingers 你的手指会被染成桔色 would be coated in orange after eating it.

 你妈妈可能会让你洗手 And your mom probably told you to wash your hands, 但我打赌你会趁她不注意时直接舔干净 but I bet you"d just lick it off when she wasn"t looking. -想起什么了吗

 -什么 - Anything? - What? 什么 What? 等等

 应该发生什么 Wait. Wait, what"s supposed to happen? 我不知道

 我以为... I don"t know. I thought... 以为我没准能触发一些记忆什么的 thought maybe I could tap into some sense memory or something, 然后突然一下

 你颈后的汗毛就竖起来了 and, bam, the...The hairs would stand up on the back of your neck, 心跳也开始加速

 一切记忆都回来了 and your heart would start pounding as it all rushes back to you, 一切被你遗忘的事

 你张大了嘴 everything you left behind. Your jaw hangs open. 镜头推进 The camera pushes in. 音乐响起 Cue the music. -你记得《侏罗纪公园》啊

 -什么 - You remember "Jurassic Park"! - What? 你刚才唱的就是主题曲啊 You were just singing the theme song. 劳拉·邓恩演的

 还有腕龙 Laura Dern, the brachiosaurus. 我不知道《侏罗纪公园》 I don"t know "Jurassic Park." 但你记得这歌♥ You remember the song. 曼尼 Manny... 如果你连《侏罗纪公园》都不知道

 if you don"t know "Jurassic Park," 那说明你什么都不知道 You don"t know shit. 这些也来自家里

 大家都在的地方 This is from home, where all the other people are. -现在怎么跑这来了

 -这些是垃圾 - Why is it out here now? - Oh, it"s trash.


 所以我们捡来藏好 It"s everything people don"t want, so we hide it. 为什么别人不想要了 Why don"t people want it anymore? 比如这个坏了 Well, that"s broken. 这个空了 That"s empty. 这个没用了 This is useless. 臭了

 旧了 Smelly. Old. 你怎么跑到离家这么远的地方的 How"d you get so far from home? 我从家里跑了

 不过... I...I ran away, but that"s... 无所谓了

 就是... It doesn"t matter. That"s... 重要的是让你回忆起你的人生 What"s important is you remembering your life. 好吧

 什么是人生 Okay. What is life? 好吧 Uh, okay. 这是你 This is you. 这是你的身体 This is your body, 这里是你的大脑 and...And that"s where your brain is, 也是你记忆的所在 and that"s where you"re going to remember something. 人类经过了 Humans have evolved over 几百万年才进化成现在的样子 millions and millions of years to be this way. 我们做这些 We do all this stuff, 是因为它们能帮助我们生存...吧 because it helps us survive... kind of. 那是什么 What"s that? 那是大便 That"s poop.

 大便就是你身体不想要的东西 Poop is when your body takes everything it doesn"t want 屁♥股♥会把它们挤出去 and squeezes it out of your butt. 有一本图画书叫《大家来大便》 Everything poops. There"s a book. 一头大象大便了 是儿童必读物 Everybody reads about it when they"re a kid. 人每天都会大便 People poop every day. 当害怕或生病时会拉得更多 Or extra when they"re scared or sick 还有死亡的时候

 那是因为 or right when they die, because, 人死的时候会拉裤子 uh, you shit your pants when you die. -天啊


 那没什么的 - Oh, God. - No, it"s okay. 每天都有人死去 People die every day. 那怎么处理那么多死人 What do they do with all the dead people? -把他们藏起来吗

 -对 - Do they hide them? - Yeah. -所以我就像垃圾


 你不一样 - So I"m like trash? - No. You"re different. 你可能曾经掉进了放射性废料 Maybe you fell in radioactive waste, 或者你是经过基因改造的军人 or maybe you were a special genetically engineered soldier 经低温冰冻后穿越时空来拯救我 who was cryogenically frozen and sent back in time to save me 拯救全人类 and save all of mankind. 超级曼尼

 救救我 Oh, Super Manny, save me! 你体内有股神奇的力量 You"ve got something in there. 你就像万能的万金油 You"re like the multipurpose tool guy. -你是特别的

 -我是特别的 - You"re special. - I"m special? 是啊


 Yeah. And that"s why I need you to help me get home. 回到文明社会 Back in civilization, 这个星球上还有 70 亿活着的人 there"s 7 billion other living people on the planet 在奔跑



 吃饭 just running around and blinking and breathing and eating, 你曾经也是他们中的一员 and you used to be one of them. 也许你正在寻找幸福 You were probably just looking for happiness. 每个人都在寻找幸福 That"s what everyone does. 这是你快乐时的模样 This is what you look like when you"re happy. 快乐 Happy. 你在寻觅一个能让你快乐的人 You look for someone who will make you happy, 朋友


 或是一只狗 a friend, a girlfriend, or a dog. -真乖

 -真乖 - Good boy. - Good boy. 也许你会幸运地遇上一个特别的人 Sometimes you might be lucky enough to bump into the one person 一个你想与之共度余生的人 you wanna spend the rest of your life with, -那就是爱

 -好吧 - and that is love. - Okay. 你想回家

 因为你想得到爱 You want to go home so you can have love? 是啊 Yeah. 但你之前逃离了

 是因为没人爱你 But you ran away "cause nobody loves you? 不是这样的 That"s not true. 你伤心


 肮脏 You"re broken and empty and dirty 臭气熏天


 垂垂老矣 and smelly and useless and old. -你就像垃圾一样



 搞什么 - You"re like trash, right? - Shut up. What... 对不起



 I"m sorry, Hank. I"m just saying the things in my head. 你不能想到什么就说什么 Well, you can"t just say everything that comes into your head. 那叫嘴贱 That"s bad talking. 对不起 I"m sorry. 救命 Help! 有人能听到吗 Can anybody hear me?! 我迷路了 I"m lost! 我现在要怎么做

 汉克 What do I do now, Hank? 曼尼

 看看她们 Manny... just look at them. 想象她们没穿衣服的样子 Imagine them without their clothes on. 她们衣服下是什么 What"s underneath their clothes? 你懂的

 她们的... You know, their... 胸部


 屁♥股♥ boobs and vaginas, butts. 胸部


 屁♥股♥ Boobs, vaginas, and butts. -那些地方有什么用 -曼尼 - What do you do with those? - Manny... 你懂的

 以前... You know, it used to be... 我小的时候

 很难能看到这样的杂♥志♥ really hard to come by a magazine like that when I was a kid. 我得去翻公路旁的草丛 I"d have to go digging under the bushes by the freeway 或偷看我爸的收藏 and sneak into my dad"s stash. 没有互联网的时候 I mean, before the Internet, 每个女孩子都显得更特别 every girl was a lot more special. 我想你可能和我一样 I bet you probably did the same thing, 给每个女孩编一个爱情故事

 make up little love stories for each of them. 怎样的爱情故事 What kind of love stories? 她的名字可能是...杰茜 Her name might have been... Jessie. 你会想象 And you"d imagine 在街上遇见她 bumping into her on the street 轻抚她的双腿 and whisking her off her feet. 一起签一年的租♥房♥♥合同 Sign a one-year lease together. 一起煮饭 Cook dinner together. 一起看 Netflix Watch Netflix. 汉克

 有点不对... Hank, something"s... 我的胸口感觉怪怪的 something"s going wrong with my boobs. 什么意思 What do you mean? 像小鹿乱撞一样 They"re going crazy. 我靠 Holy shit. 哈哈


 它停下了 Ho...Oh, no. It"s stopping. 什么是 Netflix What is Netflix? 靠 Shit. 那个... Well, that"s... 一般和女孩子约会时 Normally when you go on a date with a girl, 你会带她们去影院看电影 you"d take her to the theater to watch a movie, 但是当你...当你和某人相处很自然时 but when you"re...When you"re truly comfortable with someone, 你们会待在家看 Netflix 影视网站 you stay at home and watch Netflix. 比如你和杰茜

 Like, you and Jessie 可能会整天腻在家里


 would probably stay at home together all the time, watching movies. 你们

 可能会在沙发上睡着 You"d...You"d fall asleep on the couch, 除非你们在家开超赞的派对 unless you were throwing one of your awesome parties. 然后几年后

 你们...你们会结婚 Then a few years later, you"d... You"d get married. 你们会...举♥行♥一个小型婚礼 You"d have a...A small wedding, 不太隆重

 你们会生下一对双胞胎 nothing big, and...And you"d have twins, 为了生计

 你不得不打两份工 and you"d have to get a second job to pay the bills, 但你一点也不介意

 因为... but you wouldn"t care, because... 因为你可以和家人一起四处露营

 然后... because you"d be going camping all the time with your family, and... 然后你会告诉她

 灰发的她更美 and you"d tell her she looks even more beautiful with gray hairs. 曼尼 Manny. 曼尼

 我的爱情故事好像让你活过来了 Manny, I think my love story is bringing you back to life! -它在动

 -怎么回事 - It"s moving! - What"s happening? -那是什么情况

 -它活过来了 - What is that? - It"s alive! -那是怎么回事

 -它在动 - What is it? - It"s moving! 天啊

 我好恶心 Oh, God, I"m disgusting! 不



 你一点都不恶心 No, no. No, no, no, you"re not disgusting. 不


 太可怕了 No, my body is disgusting. It"s horrible! 不


 每个人都会这样 No, it"s okay. This happens to everybody. 每个人都会这样

 很正常 This happens to everybody, it"s normal. -真的吗

 -是啊 - Really? - Yeah. 那好吧

 Okay. 没事的

 冷静 It"s okay. Calm down. 要不这样吧 Let"s just... 我们先把这个放一边 Let"s just take this away for a second. 冷静

 没事的 Calm down. It"s okay. 好吧 Okay. 我靠 Holy shit. 杰茜 Jessie. 曼尼

 我觉得你的鸡鸡在指引我们回家 Manny, I think your penis is guiding us home. 一点反应都没有


 我是不是坏掉了 Nothing"s happening, Hank. You think I"m broken? 没关系 Ah, that"s okay. 有时候

 当一件事被重复太多次 Look, sometimes when you do something too many times, 效果就会差很多 it has less of an effect. 那就像是

 边际效益递减原理 It"s like the...The law of diminishing returns. 每个人都会这样 It happens to everyone. 所以才会有那么多恋物癖的人 That"s why there are so many fetishes out there. -恋物癖

 -是啊 - Fetishes? - Yeah. 每个人都有自己的独特口味 See, everybody has their own special tastes. 如果女孩子愿意让男人 Girls must be so nice 在她们身上尝试这些玩法

 那就太好了 they let guys do all those things to them. 是的

 她们很好 Yes, they are very nice. 还记得你之前用木塞堵住我的屁♥眼♥吗 Remember when you put that cork in my butt? -那也算做♥爱♥吗



 - Did that count as sex? - Manny, no. 我好想做♥爱♥ I wanna have sex. 我希望能有什么假装能做♥爱♥的方法 I wish there was some way I could pretend to do it. 那叫打飞机 It"s called masturbation. 跟做♥爱♥差不多 It"s kinda like sex. -一个人的做♥爱♥吗

 -是啊 - But by yourself? - Yeah. 打飞机能让人快乐吗 Masturbating makes people happy? 当然

 理应如此 It"s supposed to, sure. 我想你一定经常打飞机 I bet you masturbate a lot. 我真不敢相信我们竟然在谈这个 I can"t believe we"re talking about this. 曼尼

 人们不应该谈论这种事 Manny, people aren"t supposed to talk about this stuff. 听着

 我并没有经常打飞机 Look, I just don"t do it very much. 我爸第一次抓到我在看那种杂♥志♥时 The first time my dad caught me looking at one of those magazines, 他非常生气 he got really upset. 为什么 Why? 我想父母不愿意发现 Well, I guess parents don"t like knowing 他们的孩子在看那种玩意 that their kids look at that kind of stuff. 所以他们会告诉孩子 That"s why they tell them they"ll... 这么做的话会下地狱或变瞎 they"ll go to hell or go blind. 但我爸... But my dad... 他不信那一套

 所以他说 He didn"t believe in that stuff, so my dad said, "汉克

 当你做那个...你懂的 "Hank, uh, when you... you know, 它会消耗能量

 uh, it expends energy, 在...高♥潮♥ both in the...In the orgasm 和日常回精时都需要能量 and in the daily reproduction of sperm, 所以如果你打得太频繁 so...So if you do it a lot, 损伤日积月累

 就会缩短寿命 it adds up, and it shortens your life span, 所以男性平均寿命比较短 and that"s why, on average, males have shorter life spans, 因为他们...你懂得" because they... you know." 所以你怕死 So you were scared of death? 没错

 我当时很难过 Yeah. I...I was pretty upset. 然后我妈妈看见我哭 And then my mom saw that I was crying, 她就说了一番荒唐的话 and so she said this ridiculous thing. 她说她 40 岁

 而我才 11 岁 She said that she was 40 and I was 11 and, 要是我自♥慰♥的次数够多

 就能赶上她 if I masturbated enough, I could catch up to her and, 那样的话

 我们就能在同一天死去 that way, we could die on the exact same day 永不分离 and never be apart. 我觉得她是想搞笑点 I think she was trying to be funny. 但这并不好笑 Ah, it"s not funny. 好吧 Okay. 她的幽默感很奇怪 She had a weird sense of humor. 就算她说得对 And even if she was right, 我打飞机的速度也赶不上她老去的速度 I wouldn"t have been able to jack off fast enough to catch up. 她不久之后就去世了 She died shortly after. 所以现在你打飞机时

 And so now, when you masturbate, 会想着你妈妈 you think about your mom. 曼尼


 那太古怪了 Ah, Manny, no. That"s weird. 古怪 Weird? 古怪就是

 如果你做别人都不做的事情 Weird is like... when you do stuff that nobody else does, 他们就会因此嘲笑你 so they make fun of you for it. 我要是说我不能打飞机 So when I say that I can"t masturbate 因为那会让我想起我妈

 大家就会嘲笑我 because it makes me think about my mom, people laugh at you. 但那很好玩

 让人发笑是好事 But that"s fun. Making people laugh is great. 不是的

 因为他们会叫我汉克·撸管 It"s not, because they call you names like Hanky Wanky, 我就不得不转学

 那可一点都不好玩 you have to change schools, and it"s...it"s not fun. 汉克


 我会想着你妈妈 Hank, when I masturbate, I"m gonna think about your mom. 曼尼

 住嘴 Manny, stop. 但如果我打飞机时想着你妈 But if I think about your mom when I masturbate, 那你就不会古怪了

 对吧 then you won"t be weird anymore, right? 不

 别说话了 No. Just quit talking. -我只想帮忙

 -你这是帮倒忙 - I"m just trying to help. - Well, you"re not, 所以别说了

 也别问问题了 so stop talking and stop asking questions. 我应该回到死去的状态吗 Should I just go back to being dead? 没错


 快去死吧 Yes, you should. Die in a fire. 曼尼 Manny. 曼尼

 抱歉我刚才生气了 Manny, I"m sorry I got upset. 集中注意力


 Focus. Are we going the right way? 曼尼 Manny. 兄弟

 我需要你 Buddy, I need you. 我需要你的特殊指南针 I need you, your special compass. 好吧 Okay. 我靠 Holy... 有个大块头在这儿拉了一泡 Something enormous took a dump here. 我们还是小心为妙 We better be careful. 小心 Careful. -汉克

 -安静 - Hank. - Quiet. 我还以为你想让我再开口呢 I thought you wanted me to start talking again. 确实是

 但现在你得安静 I do. But right now, I need you to be quiet. 我还是不太擅长 Well, I"m still not very good at 控制我的音量

 汉克 controlling the volume of my voice, Hank. -你得教我... -曼尼 - You have to teach me... - Manny. 你的脸怎么了

 你的眼睛怎么瞪得这么大 What is your face doing? Why are your eyes so big? 曼尼

 害怕时就是这样的 Manny, this is what fear looks like. 你为什么害怕那泡屎 Why are you afraid of that poop? -我怕的是拉那泡屎的东西

 -但为什么 - I"m scared of whatever took that poop. - But why, though? 因为只有又大又可怕的东西才会拉出这么多屎 Because only huge, scary things take poops that big. 那又怎样

 所有动物都拉屎 So what? Everything poops. 没错


 就会吃了我们 Yes, but if it finds us, it will eat us 把我们从屁♥眼♥挤出去


 and push us out its butt and turn us into poop. 曼尼

 快跑 Manny, run! 汉克 Hank! 为什么我们移♥动♥得这么快 Why are we moving so fast? 搞什么... What... 无服务 7 月 15 日

 星期四 汉克 Hank. 我看的是什么 What am I looking at? 那是

 一部手♥机♥ That"s a...a phone. 手♥机♥好美啊 Phone is beautiful. 不不不

 那只是手♥机♥上女孩的图片 No, no, no, no, no. That"s just a picture of a girl on a phone. 什么


 你在干什么 What? Where"d it go? What are you doing? 你在干什么 What are you doing? 为了省电

 应该关机 We should turn it off to save power. 不

 它是我的 No. But it"s mine. 曼尼... Manny... 手♥机♥电量不足

 而且没有信♥号♥♥ The phone is on low battery with no signal. 我们必须关机 We"ve gotta turn it off 这样我们离家近一些时就能寻求到帮助了 so we can find help once we"re closer to home. 关于你刚才说的话

 我有很多想问的 I have a lot of questions about all the things you just said. 相信我就好 Just trust me. 相信我就好 Just trust me. 操

 Fuck. 我能不能再看她一眼 Can I look at her again? 我能不能再看看她 Can I see her again? 现在能看她了吗 Now can I see her? 求你了 Please? 也许... Maybe... 也许你可以像之前一样打扮 Maybe you could dress up, like before, 好让我想起来 so I could remember? 打扮 Dress up? 不


 我们得找到食物 No, Manny, we need to find food. 我们得逃出这里

 不然我就会死 We need to get out of here, or else I"m going to die. 但那些我们全都试过了 But we"ve tried all of those things. 汉克

 要是我认识她呢 Hank, what if I knew her? 也许她是我朋友 Maybe she"s my friend, 或者女朋友

 或者妻子 or my girlfriend or my wife. 就像你说的

 爱让我起死回生 It"s like you said, love is bringing me back to life. 我是你的瑞士军刀男 I"m your multipurpose tool guy. 听起来确实... That sounds really... 愚蠢 Stupid. 快点

 趁你还没饿死 Hurry, before you starve and die. -天啊

 -抱歉 - Oh, my God. - I"m sorry. 你真美 You look beautiful. 你觉得我美

 You think I look beautiful? 当然了 Of course I do. 不

 我...真的吗 No, I...Really? 有用吗 Well, is it working? 你想起来什么了吗 Are...are you remembering anything? 是啊 Yeah. 我叫什么 What"s my name? 劳拉... Laura... -邓恩

 -曼尼 - Dern? - Manny! 不


 真抱歉 Oh, no! Hank, I"m so sorry. 求你再让我试一次 Please, let me try again. 你知道我家乡那边的人 Do you have any idea what people back at home would think 要是看见我穿成这样会怎么想吗 if they saw me dressed like this? 但再让我试一次吧 Oh, but let me try one more time. 汉克

 求你了 Hank, please. 现在我已经见过她了 But now that I"ve seen her, 她在我的大脑里挥之不去 I can"t get her out of my head, 我不知道是确实发生了这回事 and I don"t know if that"s a thing that happens 还是我太古怪 or if I"m just weird, 但直觉告诉我

 她就是那个 but something tells me she is the one 我想与之邂逅并共度余生的人 I"m supposed to bump into and spend the rest of my life with, 也许我们可以找到办法

 让我想起她 and maybe if we can just find a way for me to remember her, 然后


 then, bam, it"ll all come rushing back to me, 然后我后颈的汗毛就会因兴奋而竖起 and the hairs on the back of my neck will stand up, 然后我就能救你了 and I can save you. 那番话很厉害啊 That talking was good. 是啊


 已经有作用了 Yeah. See? It"s working already. 你在干什么 What are you doing? 我在唱歌♥

 那样你就不会紧张地胡思乱想了 I"m singing a song so you won"t overthink things. 我现在该干什么 What should I do now? 好吧

 你跟她说话 Okay, maybe you talk to her. 我该说些什么 W-what do I talk about? 就

 自然而然想到的就行 Just, you know, whatever comes naturally. 你好 Hello. 我不知道为什么 I don"t know why, 但我突然渴望把我的嘴放在你的嘴上 but I have this sudden urge to put my mouth on your mouth. 那个叫接吻

 但你还不能那么做 Okay, that"s called kissing, but you can"t do that yet. 太快了 That"s too fast. 那我把鸡♥巴♥插入你体内如何 How "bout if I put my penis in you? -那样更糟

 -真抱歉 - That"s even worse. - Oh, I"m so sorry. 要是我只把"尖头"插♥进♥去... What about if I just did the tip, 就像最开始的时候... like, just the very beginning... 行了


 Okay, Manny, 现在的重点不是做♥爱♥


 是 it"s not about sex. Okay? It"s... 好了

 Okay. 好了 Okay. 欢迎乘坐公交车 Welcome to the bus. 像我们这种穷得没有私家车的人 This is how people like us get places 就坐公交四处走动 if we"re too poor to drive ourselves. 车上还有其他人 There are other people. 你们好

 大家好 Hello. Hello, everybody. 公交上坐的是素不相识的人 Buses are for people who don"t know each other. 有人读书

 有人听音乐 They read books. They listen to music. -所有人都一起唱歌♥


 -不 - And we all sing songs together, right? - No! 不不不

 你要是唱歌♥的话别人会瞪你的 No, no, no, the other people will stare at you if you sing, 所以你就听你自己的音乐 so you listen to your own music. 这样 Here. 你听的时候... As you listen... 看着窗外 stare out the window. 我看着世界掠过 And I watch the world go by. 原来是这样 So this is it. 这就是我忘记的生活 This is the life I"ve forgotten. 等我回家 Oh, when I get back home, 我要每天都坐公交车 I am gonna ride the bus every day. 曼尼

 这只是开始 Manny, this is just the beginning. 每天


 掐着分钟 Every day, you ride the bus and count the minutes, 希望你能再见到她

 hoping you"ll see her again. 天啊 Oh, my God. 她微笑时 She smiles, 你会感到一种奇怪的震颤感爬上你的后颈 and you feel a strange tingle up the back of your neck. 你体内的某种肉♥欲♥ Something carnal inside of you 让你的身体流汗 causes your body to break out in sweats. 你感觉自己是世界上最幸运的人 You feel like the luckiest man in the world. 每隔一天

 她都会独自坐在那儿 She sits alone, just like every other day, 望向窗外

 陷入沉思 and looks out the window lost in her thoughts. 你懂那种眼神

 她和你一样孤独 You know that look. She"s just as alone as you are. 但她大可不必这样

 因为你可以去找她说说话 But she doesn"t have to be. You could talk to her. 告诉她你今天愿意坐在她边上 Tell her you"d love to sit next to her today 以后每隔一天也都如此 and every other day, 因为人生苦短

 谁都不应该独自一人乘车 because life is short, and no one deserves to ride the bus alone. 快停下来 I want this to stop. -不管用吗

 -不是 - It"s not working? - No. 她太美了 She"s too beautiful. 我现在没法去找她说话 I can"t talk to her now. 如果我说了什么傻话怎么办

 我想死的心都有了 What if I say something stupid? I"ll just wanna die. 她就在那儿

 你不打算行动吗 She"s right there. You"re not gonna do anything? 换你你会怎么办 What would you do? 我会 I would... 我很可能会等待

 I would probably wait, 目送她下车 and watch her get off the bus 然后回家

 自己吃完一整个披萨 and go home and eat a whole box of pizza by myself. 曼尼

 我应该告诉你实话的 Manny, I should tell you the truth. 我其实不擅长这种事 I"m not really good at this stuff. 好啦

 没人爱你 Oh, right. Nobody loves you. 戴上这个 Try these on. 我还是什么也看不见啊 My eyeballs can"t see as well. 但你看起来很神秘

 姑娘们喜欢神秘的家伙 But you look mysterious, and girls like mysterious. -你感觉很酷


 -也许吧 - You feel cool, right? - I guess. 你看着很酷

 You look cool. 你要干什么 What are you doing? 你只需要主动找她说话就好了 All you have to do is talk to her. 我对你有信心 I believe in you. 你是一个人吗 Are you sitting alone? -是啊

 -所以你是个怪胎 - Yeah. - So you"re a freak. 什么 What? 现在你不怪了 Now you"re not. 你在听什么呢 So what are you listening to? 一首我为你写的歌♥ It"s a song I wrote for you. -汉克

 -什么 - Hank? - Hmm? 拿起我的手 Pick up my hand. 好


 Okay, now put it on her hand. 很好

 接下来我想看着她 Okay. I wanna look at her. 我叫曼尼 My name is Manny. 我叫莎... My name is S... 莎拉 Sarah. 莎拉 Sarah. 那是她的名字吗 That"s her name? 莎拉·约翰逊 Sarah Johnson. -莎拉·约翰逊


 莎拉·约翰逊 - Sarah Johnson? - Yeah, Sarah Johnson. 曼尼

 你的脸 Manny, your face. 我高兴的时候就是这个样子 Oh, this is what I look like when I"m happy. 我们得回家

 汉克 We have to get home, Hank. 我们得回家

 这样我就能去找莎拉 We have to get home, so I can find Sarah 和她生双胞胎

 打两份工 and have twins with her and work two jobs -一起变老


 我的手 - and grow old. - Manny, my hand. 曼尼

 帮我回家 Manny, help me get home. 什么情况这是 What was that? 伏特加 Vodka. 我们办个派对吧 Let"s have a party. 好啊

 邀请每个我们认识的人 Yeah. Let"s invite everyone we know. 大家

 我们要办派对啦 Everyone! We"re having a party! 曼尼


 你... Manny, I need to tell you something. You... 有点醉了

 Little tipsy. 莎拉 Sarah... 我想你就是我的真命天女 I think you"re the one. 我从来没这样高兴过 I"ve never been happier. 曼尼

 看着我 Manny... look at me. 你跟我相处得越久 The more you"re gonna see of me, 就会越不喜欢我 the more you"re not gonna like me. 那叫边际收益递减什么的 It"s diminishing returns and whatever. -莎拉


 -什么 - Sarah, do you ever masturbate? - What? 我有个朋友叫汉克 I have this friend called Hank 他从不自♥慰♥

 因为那会让他想起他妈 and he won"t masturbate, "cause it makes him think about his mom. 曼尼


 那是我们之间的秘密 Manny, that... That was between us. 不


 莎拉 No, listen. Sarah... 莎拉 Sarah. 汉克的妈妈在他非常非常小的时候就过世了 So, Hank"s mom died when he was very, very little, 所以每次他想起她时

 都会很伤心 and so it makes him upset to think about her. 尽管自♥慰♥会让他很爽 And so even though masturbation makes him happy, 他还是不会那么做 he won"t do it. 好吧 Okay. 我不知道自♥慰♥到底是什么

 或是具体怎么操作 I don"t know exactly what masturbation is or how it works, 但我猜应该感觉像是微风拂过发丝 but I guess it probably feels a lot like the wind in your hair 或是开车疾驰 or driving really fast in a car 或是吃一口你最爱的食物

 or taking a bite out of your favorite food 或是和你的朋友共舞 or dancing with your friends 或是唱你最爱的歌♥ or singing your favorite song 或是乘车 or riding the bus 或是望向窗外 or looking out of windows. 你为何要拒绝这样的欢愉呢 Now, why would you ever say no to that? 我觉得他妈妈也会想让他快乐 I just think his mom would want him to be happy. 不是吗 Don"t you? 是啊

 我想是吧 Yeah. I think so. 现在什么会让你快乐 And what would make you happy right now? 也许 Maybe... -我真是喝醉了

 -我也是 - I"m really drunk. - Oh, yeah. Me, too. -我们该睡觉了

 -是啊 - We should go to bed. - Yeah. 汉克


 好吗 Hank, will you just take my head out of the window? 谢谢 Thank you. 晚安 Sleep well. 早安

 汉克 Morning, Hank. 昨晚睡得好吗 How"d you sleep? 起来晚了 It"s late. 得继续赶路了 Better get a move on. 汉克

 多亏有你 Hank, thanks to you, 我就要真正♥见♥到她了 I"m gonna get to see her soon... for real. 我有一种感觉


 I have this feeling, and I don"t know what to call it. 感觉虽然我现在在你的上面 It"s like I feel like even though I"m on top of you right now, 跟你有身体接触 touching you physically, 但我们之间有东西隔着 there"s something stuck in between us. 我经常感觉你想说什么 I often feel like you have something to say, 但你又不知道该说什么 but you don"t know what to say, 所以我们最后都什么也不说 and so neither of us is saying anything, 不知为何

 我觉得这种状态会一直持续下去 and for some reason, I feel like this might go on forever. -这种现象有专门的名称吗


 算不上 - Is that a thing? - No, it"s not a thing. 所以以前从来没人有这种感觉吗 So no one"s ever felt this way before? 你也许是人类史上的第一人 You might be the first one ever in the history of mankind. 那又让我有了另一种感觉

 我 That has just made me have another feeling, and I... 曼尼


 现在先别感觉了 Manny, please, no more feelings right...

推荐访问:剧本 瑞士军刀 中英文对照
