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 走路看着点你这个老糊涂... Hey, watch where you"re going, you old klutz... -抱歉


 -你要帮忙捡那个吗? - Sorry. Sorry. - You gonna pick that up? 怪人 Pervert. 你迟到了

 我到处找你 You"re late. I"ve been looking all over for you. 抱歉我睡过头了

 那婴儿害我整晚失眠 I slept right through the alarm clock. That baby kept me up all night. -什么婴儿?


 我们邻居的小孩吧 - What baby? - I don"t know. Our neighbors have a kid? 我们的邻居都 90 岁了 Our neighbors are 90 years old. 你怎么把颜料弄到自己脸上了 You want to try and get the paint on the canvas. 我喜欢乱一点 I like it messy. 哦

 是吗?我得走了 Oh, yeah? I gotta go. 嘿 Hey. 我就开始喝酒

 吃很多...药丸 I just start drinking and doing a lot of,like, pills. 因为那样可以解除疼痛

 晚点再去想如何解决它 "Cause then it just kills the pain, and then I can just deal with it later. 我的意思是说

 我不是鼓励你去喝酒 I"m just saying- I"m not telling you to go drink. 我知道你去参加聚会 I know you go to meetings. 我只是告诉你什么是对我有效的

 好吗? I"m just telling you what works for me, okay? 那些感觉真的很难去面对 It"s hard to deal with those feelings. 嗯


 那就是为什么 Well, drinking kills feelings. That"s why. 今天下午会下冰雸 It"s gonna hail this afternoon. 是吗?我倒觉得太阳蛮大的啊 You think? Looks pretty sunny to me. 你丫是谁?

 Who the fuck are you? 我是萨姆·福斯特医生

 你一定是亨利 I"m Dr. Sam Foster. You must be Henry. 莉薇医生去哪儿了? Where"s Dr. Levy? 她没告诉你吗? Didn"t she get in touch with you? 没有 No. 哦


 她要离开一阵子 Oh, I"m sorry. She"s away for a while. -我来帮她代班

 -她去哪里了? - I"m covering for her. - She"s away where? 她身体不太舒朋

 几个礼拜后她就会回来 She"s not feeling well. She"ll be back in a couple of weeks. 你是什么?替补的心理医生? What are you- a substitute shrink? 你可以这么想 I guess you could call me that. 哦 Oh. 这是她的办公室 This is her office. 是啊

 我们共用一间 Yeah, we share it. 我每礼拜只在这里待几小时而已

 请坐 I"m only here a few hours a week. Please take a seat. 哦

 我懂了 Oh, I see. 所以你平时专治...嗯... So you treat the, uh... 那些抑郁的银行家

 和偏执的家庭为妇 depressed investment bankers, paranoid housewives all week? 然后偶尔来这里做点义工? Come up here to do a little pro bono work? 恰恰相反 It"s the other way around. 银行家是偏执狂

 家庭为妇很抑郁 The bankers are paranoid, and the housewives are depressed. 那么


 对吧?美术专业? Now,you"re a junior at the college. ls that right? Majoring in fine art?


 是吗? She passed me off to you, huh? 你接了个棘手的活 You get the hard cases. 我代替她来是不是让你觉到不舒朋? Does it make you uncomfortable that I"m filling in for her? 她正试着帮我 She was trying to help me. 我也会试着帮你 I"ll try and help you too. 她怕我了?所以她才消失了? She afraid of me? ls that why she"s gone? 我吓到她了? Did I scare her? 她应该害怕你吗? Should she be afraid of you? 我看过你的档案 I"ve read your file. 那我可以看你的档案吗? And can I read your file? 告诉我你为何来这? Tell me why you"re here. 你不是看过我的档案了吗? I thought you read the file. 你把自己的车烧了

 为什么? You torched your car. Why? 我不记得了

 我一醒来 I don"t remember. I just woke up... 就已经在车子里

 车子已经着火了 and I was in the car, and it was on fire. 那是你做的吗?放火? ls that something you do- set fires? 我并不想伤害任何人 I didn"t mean to hurt anybody. 你伤害了谁? Who did you hurt? 我不知道

 我得走了 I don"t know. I"m gonna go. 别


 我们可以再聊一会 No. Please, sit down. We have more time. 不了


 No, I, uh- I"m gonna go home before this hail starts. 波兰国王带着一名随从

 到树林里打猎 The king of Poland goes hunting in the woods with one ofhis assistants. 他们四处张望 And they"re looking around... 突然

 空地的另一头来了一名农夫 and suddenly on the other side of the clearing a farmer walks by. "站住!" Hold still. 国王举枪瞄准他

 农夫吓得大声喊 And the king raises his rifle, and the farmer yells... "我不是麋鹿" "I"m not a moose." 国王开枪射杀了那男人 The king shoots and kills the guy... 他的随从惊恐万分 and the assistant"s shocked. 他说... And he says... "陛下


 "他不是麋鹿"" "Sire, the man said, I"m not a moose." "喔


 "我以为他说"我是麋鹿"" "Oh, says the king. I thought he said, I am a moose." 那是个笑话 It"s a joke. 不

 我只是在想 No, I"m just trying to figure out... 我是那国王还是那个农夫 if I"m the king or the farmer. 你是那只麋鹿 You"re the moose. -我是麋鹿?

 -对 - I"m the moose? - Yeah. 那好吧

 我看起来是像麋鹿 Well, I appear to be the moose. -垃圾


 不是垃圾 - It"s shit. - It"s not shit. 不是垃圾 It"s not shit. 还留着 Still there.

 有时候我都忘了 Sometimes I forget. 都已经是过去的事了 They"re from another life. 喔

 天哪 Oh, my God. 我喜欢这首歌♥ I love this song. 我认识你

 心理学课 221

 艾兹帕迪教授? I know you. Psych 221. Professor Azzopardi? 你发表了关于崔斯坦·瑞佛与精神病态

 的演讲对吧? You did that presentation on psychosis and Tristan Reveur, right? 地铁里不准吸烟 No smoking on the train. 看清楚那标志


 不准吸烟 Look at the sign, fella. No smoking. 智障吗?熄掉! Capisce? Put it out. "智障"? "Capisce"? 你♥他♥妈♥把烟给我熄了 Put out the fucking cigarette. 你真该被关到精神病院

 王八蛋 You oughta be locked up, you asshole. 贝丝?我是萨姆

 休养得还不错吧? Beth? Sam. I hope you"re getting some rest. 听着


 亨利·雷森 Look, I met with your patient today- Henry Letham. 我很想跟你谈谈他的事情 I"d really like to talk to you about him. 给我回电♥话♥

 好吗?我想听到你的声音 Give me a call, okay? I wanna hear your voice. 你不觉得奇怪吗?他居然能预测到一场冰雸 You don"t think it"s a little odd- predicting a hailstorm like that? 或许他看了气象预报 So he watches the Weather Channel. 不


 根本没有提到会下冰雸 No. I looked in the newspaper. There was nothing about hail today. 贝丝怎样了? How"s Beth? 我不知道


 I don"t know. She hasn"t returned any of my calls. 她一直对你很有好感

 不是吗? She always kinda liked you, didn"t she? 什么?你在吃醋吗? What, are you jealous? 吃贝丝的醋? Of Beth? -我装的

 -你的学生很爱你 - I"m just faking it. - Your students love you. 他们爱我是因为我总是给他们 A My students love me "cause I give "em all A"s. 我是说

 我该怎么去分辨? I mean, what the fuck do I know? 这个孩子

 可能是下一个罗斯科(著名抽象画家) This kid could be the next Rothko. 对我说我很棒 Tell me I"m good. 你很棒 You"re good. 对我说他们会记得我 Tell me they"ll remember me. "他们"是谁? Who"s "they"? 这个世界 The world. 那是你要的吗? ls that what you want? 这个世界会记得你 The world will remember you. 现在把你的衣朋脱了吧 Now take off your clothes. 嘿 Hey. 那是谁画的? Who did that? 我女朊友 My girlfriend. 那是从哪来的? Where"d you get that? 这个?我买♥♥的 This? I bought it.


 你来这里做什么? Henry, what are you doing here? I... 我没想到你会来

 我约了另一个病人 I wasn"t expecting you. I have someone coming in. 那么


 气象方面的工作吗? So, have you considered a career in meteorology? 嗯? Hmm? 天气预报员有说过任何

 有关冰雸的事情吗 The weatherman said something about hail? 天气预报员? The weatherman? 没有 No. 你知道吗

 他说的我压根儿就听不下去 You know, I can"t even listen to him anymore? 从他嘴里冒出来的字

 我一个都不懂 I don"t understand a word that comes out of his mouth. 你不信气象预报员说的话? You don"t understand the weatherman? 不信 No. 但你信? But you do? 当然


 我就会带伞 Sure. He says rain, I bring an umbrella. 亨利

 跟我说说你的事 Henry, give me something. 我做这行很棒的 I"m good at what I do. 好吧

 现在我能听到一些声音 Well, I"m hearing voices now. 声音? Voices? 时有时无的

 但是每当我听到时... They come and they go, but when they are there... 你现在听到吗? You"re hearing them now? 可以 Okay. 能不能把你听到的写下来?

 Can you write down what they"re saying? -是吗?



 我是佛雷德里克 - Yeah? - Hey, Dr. Foster. It"s Frederick. 你能念给我听吗? Can you read it to me? -嗯?

 -你能念给我听吗? - Hmm? - Can you read it to me? 喔

 好 Uh, yeah. "嘿


 我是佛雷德里克" "Hey, Dr. Foster. It"s Frederick." 这...这不是是你的幻觉

 这些是你刚听到的 This is-This voice isn"t in your head. This is a real voice. 好吧


 我不知道 Okay. Well, I don"t know. 或许你可以告诉我

 有什么不同? Maybe you could show me how to tell the difference? 继续吧 Go on. 我不知道 I don"t know. "我没有移♥动♥他

 我知道你不该动他" "I didn"t move him. I know you"re not supposed to move "em." "我看不下去了" "I can"t watch anymore." "保持清醒


 看着我" "Stay with me, Henry. Stay with me." 嘿


 但是... Hey, guys. Sorry to interrupt, but, uh... 嘿


 你稍等我几分钟吗? Hey, Frederick, can you give me a minute? -我 11 点要开会


 谢谢 - I"ve got a conference call at 11:00. -Just a minute. Thank you. 喔

 好吧 Yeah, okay. 那是怎么回事? Where"s this from? 喔

 我自己烫的 Oh, I burned myself. 自己烫自己?为什么? You burned yourself? Why?

 去地狱前的练习 Practicing for hell. 你为什么觉得

 你会去地狱? Why do you think you"re going to hell? 呃... Um... 因为我做过的事 "cause of what I did. 以及我将要做的事 What I"m gonna do. 你要做什么? What are you gonna do? 你要自杀? You"re gonna try and kill yourself? 你是认真的? And how seriously should I take that? 礼拜六午夜

 我就会自杀 Saturday at midnight is when I"m gonna do it. 你必须知道所有的一切已经不同了 You gotta know that everything just changed. 既然你告诉我你想自杀

 那么我必须采取一些措施 lf you talk to me about suicide, I"m required to take certain actions. 嘿


 等一下 Hey, look.Just wait a second. Wait a second. 只要


 你先忙他的事吧 Just, you know, deal with him... 只要


 你先跟他谈 Just, you know, deal with him... 我们下次再谈 and, uh, we"ll talk about it next time. 会有下次吗? There"s a next time? 会 Yeah. 会 Yeah. 会啊

 我们还有三天 Yeah, we got three days. 他来了!他来了 He"s coming! He"s coming! 我不是怪物


 I am not a monster, goddamn you! Get off of me! 没人说你是怪物


 别闹了 Nobody"s calling you a monster, Daisy. Come on now. 拜托!你说你会...我不该承受这些 Please! You said you would- I don"t deserve this! 是啊


 你就不用承受这些了 Well, if you"d just remember to take your pills, you wouldn"t have to go through this. -我不是怪物


 -我知道你是 - I"m not a monster. I"m lovable. - I know you are. 我是讨人喜欢的

 住手! I"m lovable. Stop! 不


 我是讨人喜欢的 No, please! I"m lovable. 非常讨人喜欢的 Very lovable. 他来了!我知道他来了! He"s coming! I oughta know he"s coming! 我会变乖


 不! I"ll be good. I"ll be good! I don"t want to- No! -嘿


 -嘿 - Hey, Sammy. - Hey. 他只是个孩子!他只是个孩子! He"s just a kid! He"s just a kid! 好吧



 黛茜 Okay, now. Let go, Daisy. 他只是个孩子! He"s just a kid! 他只是个孩子! He"s just a kid! 抱歉让你看到这些

 你还好吧? Sorry about that. You okay? 还好


 我已经习惯处理... Yeah. Yeah. I"m used to dealing... 那些神经质的股票经纪人了 with neurotic stockbrokers. 股票经纪人给钱比较大方 Neurotic stockbrokers pay better. 那么

 什么风把你吹来疗养院? So, uh, what brings you to Club Meds? 我有个学生

 威胁着要自杀 I have a student threatening to kill himself.


 那么告诉他拿个号♥码牌先吧 Christ. Well, tell him to take a number. 听着

 你知道我们怎么处理这类事情 Look, you know how it works. 如果他威胁说要伤害自己或者他人 lf he threatens to hurt himself or someone else... 我们就可以把他关起来

 但是我们也不能一直关着他 then we can take him in, but we can"t hold him here forever. 他说他想礼拜六自杀 He said he"s gonna do it on Saturday. 如果你现在抓他进来

 在那之前他就会被放出去了 lf you take him in now, he"ll be out by then. 有条理的孩子

 他全都计划好了 Organized kid. He"s got it all scheduled. 他说的是


 午夜 Saturday, midnight. That"s what he said. 我们可以礼拜五去接他

 把他关一个周末 We can pick him up Friday, hold him for the weekend. 像你刚才看到的一样

 这可不是什么好玩的过程 As you can see, it"s not a real fun process. 能不能做点什么阻止他? Anything you could do to avoid it? -你帮他做了什么治疗吗?

 -他不做任何治疗 - What have you got him on? - He won"t take any meds. 我的男人在哪? Where"s my man? 你知道我一整天都在想些什么吗? You know what I"ve been craving all day? 想喝点什么 Something to drink. 怎么了?你看起来有点紧张 What"s the matter? You"re looking a little tense. 没事 It"s nothing. 没事是什么事? So tell me about nothing. 我只是累了 I"m just tired. 我先打个电♥话♥

 完了我们一起泡个澡 Let me make a call, and then we can take a bath together. 贝丝



 Beth, it"s Sam again. 呃

 休养得还不错吧? Um, I hope you"re getting some rest. 每个人都在问你的下落


 打个电♥话♥给我 Everyone"s been asking about you. Look, give me a call. 我想跟你谈谈亨利·雷森的事情 I want to speak to you about Henry Letham... 我想知道你的想法

 好吗? and find out how you"re feeling, okay? 拜 Bye. 你听起来好像在跟你的病人说话 You sound like you"re talking to one of your patients. -她生病了吗?

 -她疲劳过度 - ls she sick? - She"s exhausted. 疲劳过度? Exhausted? 拜托


 每个人都疲劳过度 Come on. We live in New York City. Everyone"s exhausted. 什么

 那是某种代码吗? What, is that a code word? 是啊 Yeah. 是啊

 我想是的 Yeah, I guess it is. 那预测冰雸的孩子怎么样了? How"s the kid with the hail? 你没听过医生必须保护病人隐私吗? Ever heard of doctor-patient privilege? 他明天的预测是什么?蝗虫过境? What"s the prediction tomorrow? Locusts? 他只是糊涂了 He"s confused. 糊涂?疲劳过度引起的吗? Confused? ls that like exhausted? 我现在不想谈这些 I don"t want to get into this right now. 但你告诉过我有个律师

 认为她的猫在对她说话 You told me about the lawyer who thought her cat was talking to her. 我不该这么做 I shouldn"t have.

 他想自杀 He wants to kill himself. 没错吧

 是不是?那就是为什么你不想谈 That"s it, isn"t it? That"s why you won"t talk about it. -我不能透露病人隐私


 萨姆 - He has a right to confidential counseling. - Come on, Sam. 他想在星期六午夜自杀 He wants to kill himself on Saturday night. 午夜

 就像个约会 At midnight, like it"s a date. 星期六有什么特别的? What"s so special about Saturday? 我没来得及问 I didn"t have time to ask. 听着


 你懂吗? Look, we can talk about it, you know. 那不会吓到我 It doesn"t scare me. -那会吓到我


 我知道 - It scares me. - Yeah, I know. 你得相信我 But you have to trust me. 我相信 I do. -慢慢上去


 -了解 - Up slow,Jerry. - Got it. -看来不错



 别那么快 - Looking good, Mikey. - Not, Not so fast. -别晃



 再快点 - Stop that swaying. - Come on, Mommy. Faster. 慢点



 你们快点离开 Easy. Easy. Hold it! Stay clear, you guys. Quick. 等等!我的汽球! Wait! Wait! My balloon! 抱歉了孩子

 那气球飘到气球天堂去了 Sorry, kid. It"s gone to balloon heaven. 喔



 我们可以去公园拿另一个 Oh, that"s okay, sir. We"re gonna get another one at the park. -走吧



 妈妈? - Go ahead, honey. - Promise, Mommy? 好了



 All right, you guys. Comin" your way. 崔斯坦·瑞佛曾说过 Tristan Reveur once said... "即使我们看不到风

 我们可以看的到风的意念" "lf we cannot see the wind, we can see the wind"s will." 这里


 刻画袅袅的烟雾 Here, Pradilla Ortiz forces us to imagine the wind... 冉冉的烛火以及朵妮娅·胡安娜的面纱 by showing its effect on the smoke... 生动的体现了风的存在 the candle flames and Dona Juana"s veil. 在戈雅的这副杰作中

 只画出了受害者的脸庞 Only the victims" faces are visible in Goya"s masterwork. 我们很容易把视线对准

 画上最明亮的地方 Our eyes are drawn to the brightest spot on the canvas... 穿着白色衬衫的临刑者

 正哀求着免于一死 the white shirt of a doomed man pleading for his life. 他已经退到山边 Behind him, the hill closing in... 身后无路可逃 refusing a path to escape. 这副《死亡的斗牛士》本来是另一幅更大的画的一部分 The Dead Toreador was originally part of a larger painting... 《斗牛场上的意外》 lncident in a Bullfight. 由于这幅图受到评论家

 以及看画的人嘲笑 After the painting was mocked by critics and viewers... 马奈愤怒地将画撕成两半 Manet angrily sliced it in half... 把这坠落的英雄

 从他的斗牛场给拿掉了 removing the fallen hero from his arena... 从而为他意外造就了

 一副永垂青史的作品 and accidentally creating one ofhis most enduring works. -嘿

 -嘿 - Hey. - Hey. 你过的如何? How are you doing? 喔

 你知道的 Oh, you know. 我不知道你跟我说了那些话后

 还会不会来上课 I didn"t know if you"d still be coming to class after what you told me.



 我还能够去哪里? Yeah, well, where else am I gonna go? 你有时间吗? Have you got a minute? 当然 Sure. 这里有你的作品吗? Are any of these yours? 噢 Ouch. 什么? What? 这个


 所以 Well, these are bad, so... 你知道崔斯坦·瑞佛对烂艺术的定义吗? Do you know that Tristan Reveur quote about bad art? 就是"烂艺术比完美艺术

 多了那份悲惨的美 It"s "Bad art is more tragically beautiful than good art... 因为那记录了人类的错误" because it documents human failure." 你为什么想在礼拜六做那件事? Why"d do you want to do it on Saturday? 那天是我 21 岁的生日 It"s my 21st birthday. 我想传统做法应该是

 去外面喝个烂醉 I think the tradition is to go out and get drunk. 这个嘛



 一个不同的传统 Well, um, Tristan started a different tradition. 他做了什么? What did he do? 他死了 He died. 你父母呢? What about your parents? 问他们干嘛? What about "em? 你不认为他们会在乎吗? Don"t you think they care? 不 No. 他们住在这附近吗?

 Do they live around here? 他们住在马♥勒♥斯花♥园♥ They"re over in Mahlus Gardens. 马♥勒♥斯花♥园♥

 那是哪里? Mahlus Gardens- Where is that? 纽泽西的一个墓园 It"s a cemetery in Jersey. -你不是看过我的档案吗?

 -抱歉 - I thought you read the file. - I"m sorry. 我看过

 但是没有提到那些 I did. It didn"t mention that. 那么那份有点旧了 It"s a little out of date. 你有其他亲戚吗? Do you have any other family? 没有 No. 女朊友? Girlfriend? 你跟她说过话吗? You talked to her? 不 No. 她是谁? Who is she? 不

 你没机会跟她说话了 No, you"re not talking to her. 我还以为你在讲那个女朋务员 I thought you were talking about this waitress... 坚尼街上我常去的一家餐厅 in this diner I used to go to over on Canal Street. 告诉我她的事 Tell me about her. 每次她帮我倒咖啡的时候

 都会问我最近过的如何 When she filled up my cup of coffee, she would ask me how I was doing. 朋务员的习惯

 你知道的 Waitress things, you know. 那并不足以让她成为你的女朊友 It doesn"t really constitute a girlfriend. 你知道她的名字吗 Did you ever get her name?


 她叫阿西娜 Yeah, it was Athena. 我曾打算娶她 I was gonna marry her. 你曾想过娶她? You were gonna marry her? 是

 我为她买♥♥了戒指还有其他的东西 Yeah. I bought her a ring and everything. 那戒指就跟你买♥♥给你女友的一模一样 It looked just like the one that you got your girl. 我没有偷你的戒指


 好吗?我发誓 I didn"t steal your ring, Henry, okay? I promise. 你没有

 是我弄丢了 Yeah, I lost it. 反正

 她不见了 Anyway, she"s gone. -不见了?

 -是 - She"s gone? - Yeah. -还是她去别的地方了?

 -你是什么意思? - Or she"s somewhere else? - What do you mean? 她没有别的地方可去 There is no somewhere else. 他撑不下去的 He"s not going to make it. -好漂亮

 -不 - It"s beautiful. - No. 那就像是游客在第五大道买♥♥的烂货 It"s like the crap tourists buy on Fifth Avenue. -你今天跟你学生谈过了吗?

 -嗯 - You talk with your student today? - Mm-hmm. 还是想自杀吗? Still wants to do it? 我现在没心情说那件事 I don"t feel right talking about it. 你的意思是不想跟我谈那件事 Talking about it with me, you mean. 你没有吃你的药了 You stopped taking your pills. 我一直在数

 你一个礼拜都没吃了 I"ve been counting. You haven"t taken one in weeks. 我用不着再吃了

 I don"t need "em anymore. 是吗

 我想那应该是我们要一起同意的 Well, that"s a decision we should"ve made together. 我吃了药就画不好画 I can"t paint on meds. 我不行 I can"t. 那让我感觉紧张 Well, it makes me nervous. 我不是很开心你瞒着我不吃药 I"m not happy you did this in secret. 是吗

 我也不开心你瞒着我算药丸 Well, I"m not happy you"re counting my pills in secret. 我们必须相信彼此 We have to trust each other. 嘿

 看着我 Hey, look at me. 我不能让他们消失 I can"t make them disappear. 我希望我可以 I wish I could. 我答应过你 I made you a promise. 我要走了 I gotta go. 我在家里等你 I"ll see you at home. 亨利?你忘了什么吗? Henry? Forgetting something? -你怎么了?

 -你刚叫我亨利 - What"s the matter? - You just called me Henry. 宝贝

 我想我早知道你叫什么了 Baby, I think I know your name by now. 对

 但你刚刚叫我亨利 Yeah, but you called me Henry. 萨姆


 我发誓 Sam, I know who you are. I promise. 抱歉 Sorry. 好吧 Okay.

 你紧张吗? Do you get nervous? 那段是很棒

 但是她应该起来反抗 It"s a great part, but sshould resist more. -她默默承受他的暴♥力♥走进河里

 -你该试试那招 - She just takes his abuse and walks into the river. - You should use that. -一点都没有反抗

 -我们可以来看你吗? - All without a fight. - Can we come and see you? -亨利




 妈妈 - Henry, that would be nice, wouldn"t it? - Yeah, Mom. 我们可以团聚了 We could all go together. 国王的车走到 E-3 格 King"s rook to E-3. 莱拉怎样了? How"s Lila? 她很好


 我有东西要给她 She"s good. Oh, I got something for her. -嗯?

 -手伸出来 - Mm-hmm. - Give me your hand. 啊 Ah. -恭喜

 -谢谢 - Congratulations. - Thank you. 我听说她是个漂亮的女孩 I hear she"s a beautiful girl. 你带着这戒指在身上多久了? How long have you been carrying that around? 一段时间了 A while. 你还在等什么? What are you waiting for? 害怕她离去吧

 我想 The fear to go away, I guess. 嗯 Mm. 我该怎么知道她不会想再试一次? How do I know she won"t try again? 你不会知道

 萨姆 You don"t know, Sam. 她让你开心吗?

 Does she make you happy? 喔

 当然 Oh, yes. 是吗?那这里有些让你不开心的事情 Well, here"s something that won"t. 骑士到 C-3 格

 将军 Knight to C-3. Check. 喔

 该死 Oh, shit. 你记得佛洛伊德曾提起过那着火男孩的梦吗? Do you remember the dream of the burning boy referred to by Freud? -不是很清楚

 -意思就是不喽? - Vaguely. - Vaguely meaning no? -是的

 -好吧 - Right. - Yeah. 他说

 有个男人的儿子快要死了 Well, he describes a man whose child is dying. 做父亲的每晚都守在儿子的床边 The father sits by the boy"s bed night after night... 当那男孩过世后

 他们为这孩子守灵 and after the boy is dead, they give him a wake. 他们在男孩身边放了一圈的蜡烛 And they set up a circle of candles around the boy"s body. 但那父亲过度疲劳

 所以他睡着了 And the father"s exhausted. He falls asleep. 他梦到他的男孩站在他身旁 And he dreams that his son is standing beside him... 抓着他的手轻声的说 holding his arm and whispering... "爸爸

 难道你没看到我着火了吗?" "Father, can"t you see that I"m burning?" -你有访客?

 -亨利 - You have a visitor? - Henry. -我可以晚点回来



 没关系 - I can come back. - No, no. You"re all right. -我不介意

 -你认识帕特森教授吗? - I don"t mind. - Do you know Dr. Patterson? -不认识

 -很高兴认识你 - No. - Pleased to meet you. 你怎么了

 亨利? What"s the matter, Henry?

 他妈的怎么回事? What the fuck? 你在这里干嘛? What are you doing here? 我们在下棋 We"re playing chess. 你已经死了 You"re dead. -萨姆?

 -我看着你死的 - Sam? - I watched you die. 萨姆

 我们晚点再继续这盘棋 Sam, we"ll finish this game later. 好吧 Sure. -你要去哪里?


 坐下 - Where are you going? - Henry, take a seat. -你回来干嘛?

 -你认识里昂? - Why"d you come back? - Do you know Leon? 他跟你说过什么?他跟你说过有关我的事情吗? What did he say to you? Did he say something about me? 不


 我不认为里昂认识你 No, he didn"t say anything about you. I don"t think Leon even knows you. 他是我父亲 That"s my father. 他认识我 He knows me. 听着


 他没有任何孩子 Now, listen, I"ve known Leon a long time. He doesn"t have any children. 别那样讲!别他妈的对我说那种话 Don"t say that! Don"t fuckin" say that to me! 你在干嘛? What are you doing? 你以为我不认识自己的爸爸吗? Do you think I don"t recognize my own father? -你告诉过我你父亲去世了

 -他是死了 - You told me your father was dead. - He is dead. 他死了

 而且他还走出了那该死的门! He"s dead, and that"s him walkin" out the fuckin" door! 那走出门的男人是活着的而且很健康 The man walking out the door is alive and well. 到底发生什么事了?

 What"s happening? 我看到一大摊血

 我看到他死掉 I saw all the blood, and I watched him die. 是我造成的 I did it. 是我的错 It"s my fault. 或许你伤了某人

 但那不是里昂 Maybe you hurt someone, but not Leon. 你伤害了谁?你父亲? Who did you hurt? Your father? 我不记得了 I don"t remember. 有时候我们不想去回忆过去

 但是现在我想你得试一试 Sometimes we don"t want to remember, but I think you have to try. 去你的!你♥他♥妈♥的懂什么? Fuck you! What the fuck do you know! 你什么都不懂!你所知道的一切都是谎言! You don"t know anything! Everything you know is a fuckin" lie! -懂了吗?

 -好吧 - All right? - Okay. 那么告诉我事实是什么 Tell me what the truth is. 你的麻烦会结束

 幸运将会对你微笑 Your troubles will cease, and fortune will smile upon you. 你的麻烦会结束

 幸运将会对你微笑 Your troubles will cease, and fortune will smile upon you. 是的

 亨利 Yes, Henry. 亨利? Henry? 亨利? Henry? 亨利! Henry! 亨利! Henry! 亨利? Henry? 亨利

 你在吗? Henry, are you there?

 我们进来了 Here we go. 事情麻烦了 Trouble. 亨利

 听着 Henry, listen. 别离开我


 亨利 Stay with me, okay? Listen to my voice, Henry. -跟我们在一起


 -那是你的声音吗? - Stay with us here, all right? - ls that your voice? 我没有留下那种留言 I didn"t leave that message. 大概是有人跟你声音一模一样 Probably someone who sounds exactly like you. 我们现在该怎么办 So what do we do now? 我们现在没办法做什么 Not much we can do at this point. 我们没有什么人手

 可以做监视之类事情 We don"t have the resources or the manpower for a stakeout or anything like that. 我会通报♥警♥察

 不过他们不会做什么的 I"ll notify the police, but they won"t do anything. 为什么不会? Why not? 因为比起监视一个精神抑郁的学生 Because they"ve got more important things to do than... 他们有更重要的事情做 look for depressed college students. 那我去找他 Then I"ll find him. 好吧


 给我通电♥话♥ Well, if you do, give me a call. 我们会帮你接他


 老萨 We"ll pick him up for you. But do me a favor, Sammy. 那孩子有幻听

 而且还带着一把枪 The kid hears voices and carries a gun. 当心点 Watch your back. 妈咪

 那人会死吗? Mommy, is that man gonna die? 过来



 Come on, Bobby. We"re gonna be late. 你不该像刚刚那样离开我

 你这只小猴子 You shouldn"t run away from me like that, you little monkey. 但是他会死吗? But is he gonna die? 听听这个 Listen to this. "亨利·雷森有着丰富且强大的想像力 "Henry Letham has a fertile, powerful imagination. 如果他能够集中精力 lf he maintains his concentration, 他的作品将会创造一个全新的世界" he will create new worlds with his art." 吆姆·奥希尔? Jim O"Shea? 奥希尔教授


 你怎么知道? Professor O"Shea, yeah. How"d you know? 因为吆姆想跟他班上

 每个可爱男生有一腿 "CauseJim wants to fuck every cute boy in his class. 你听说过一个叫崔斯坦·瑞佛的美术家吗? Did you ever hear of an artist named Tristan Reveur? 当然听过 Yeah, of course. 你喜欢他的作品吗? Do you like his work? 我从来没看过

 没有人看过 I"ve never seen it. Nobody has. 他烧了他所有的画然后自杀了 He burned all his paintings before he killed himself. -他自杀了?

 -嗯哼 - He killed himself? - Mm-hmm. 当他 18 岁的时候 When he was 18,

 他告诉所有的人他只剩下 3 年的生命 he told everyone he"d live three more years... 然后他就去了纽约自杀了 then go to New York and kill himself. 然后他留了一封只有一句话的遗书 And that"s exactly what he did. Left a one-line note: "一个美丽的自杀是

 世上最极致的艺术" "Un suicide elegant est I"oeuvre d"art finale.""An elegant suicide is the ultimate work of art."



 他是亨利最喜欢的艺术家 Ah,Jesus. He"s Henry"s favorite artist. 那是很吅理的 Of course he is. 让我跟他谈谈 Let me talk to him. 跟他谈?我得先找到他才行 Talk to him? First I"ve gotta find him. 他会来找你的

 他知道你能帮他 He"ll find you. He knows you can help him. 那就是为什么他一直回来找你 That"s exactly why he keeps coming back to you. 但是


 我也不能让你跟他交谈 Well, even if he does, I can"t let you talk to him. 那有违规定 I"d violate every rule in the book. 那就违规吧



 那孩子相信你 So violate them. You have something, Sam. This kid trusts you. 但你没有经历过他现在的处境

 他也知道 But you"ve never stood where he"s standing right now, and he knows that. 我知道

 但是我每天治疗的病人 Yeah, but I treat people every day with conditions... 他们的处境我一个也没有经历过 I"ve never experienced myself. 你知道吗

 那天我做那傻事时 You know, the day I did it... 我拿了两片剃刀去浴缸 I took two razor blades to the bathtub. 你知道为什么吗? You know why? 因为我知道


 我会变虚弱 Because I knew that once I started to bleed, I"d get weak... 我不想把手中的刀片掉到地上

 让自己半死不活 and I didn"t want to drop one blade and leave myself half done. 你能想像吗? Can you imagine that? 你能想像那么痛恨自己生命的感觉吗? Can you imagine hating your life so much... 甚至想带个备用的剃刀? that you want to bring a backup razor? 那我该对他说什么?

 So what do I tell him? 生命中有太多难以割舍的美 There"s too much beauty to quit. 告诉他

 生命中难以割舍的美太他妈多了 Tell him that. There"s too much goddamn beauty. 吃点东西吧 Eat something. 我不饿 I"m not hungry. 那吃你的幸运饼干吧 Eat your fortune cookie. 那是你的 It"s yours. "你的麻烦会结束

 幸运将会对你微笑" "Your troubles will cease, and fortune will smile upon you." 来得还真及时 Not a moment too soon. 怎么了? What"s the matter? -贝丝


 -我没有动他 - Beth, it"s Sam. -

 I didn"t touch him. -贝丝?贝丝?

 -我知道你不该移♥动♥他的 - Beth? Beth? - I know you"re not supposed to move- 贝丝 Beth 贝丝 Beth? 是我 It"s me. 你还好吧? Are you okay? 我要开灯了

 可以吗? I"m gonna turn on the light, okay? 我知道里昂也一直在联络你 I know Leon"s been trying to get through to you. 还有托尼也是 And Toni. 喔

 天啊 Oh,Jesus. 贝丝

 你要跟我说什么吗? Beth, are you gonna talk to me?

 你想要说什么? What do you want to talk about? 你感觉怎么样了? How are you feeling? 你到底想要说什么? What do you really wanna talk about? 我担心你 I"m worried about you... 而且


 有关亨利·雷森的事 and I wanna know more about Henry Letham. 我没有碰他 I didn"t touch him. 我知道你不应该去移♥动♥他们 I know you"re not supposed to move them. 那是什么意思? What does that mean? 我想亲你

 你想玩亲亲游戏吗? I wanna kiss you. Do you want to play a kissing game? 贝丝 Beth. 不

 你太老实了 No. You"re loyal. 你是个乖狗狗



 萨姆 You"re a good dog. Good, loyal dog, Sam. 她叫什么名字来着? What"s her name? 莱拉? Lila? 你应该让她在浴缸里流血的 You should"ve let her bleed in the bathtub. -她的想法是对的

 -你在说什么? - She had the right idea. - What are you talking about? 那是非常不智的行为 It"s highly inappropriate. 你不应该跟你的病患上♥床♥的

 就算是漂亮的也一样 You"re not supposed to fuck your patients, even the pretty ones. 你知道规矩 You know the rules. 你不能在吃这些药的同时又喝酒 You can"t drink while you"re taking these. 嗯


 Mm. Apparently I can. 不




 给我去冲个澡 No, you can"t. Come on, Beth. I want you to come take a shower. 要给尸体冲澡了? Bathe the corpse. 我们不会真的变成尸体吧?会吗? We won"t really be corpses though, will we? 那会像个什么都没有的回忆吧 It will be more like a memory of nothing. 你怎么了

 贝丝? What happened to you, Beth? -我要睡觉



 你身上太脏了 - I need to sleep, please. - No, you got too much crap in your system. 你自己能洗澡吗? Are you okay to shower? -他在看着我们


 这里只有我们俩 - He"s watching us. - No, we"re alone. -他在看着我们

 -你还有跟他联络吗? - He"s watching. - Are you still talking to him? -你知道他在那里吗?

 -问他妈吧 - Do you know where he is? - Ask the mother. -他妈已经过世了

 -是吗? - The mother"s dead. - ls she? 尽管去问 Ask anyway. 喂?喂?你好 Hello? Hello? Yeah. 我是萨姆·福斯特

 萨姆·福斯特医生 This is Sam Foster, Dr. Sam Foster. 我是个心理医生

 是的 I"m a psychiatrist. Yeah. 我想打听一个叫亨利·雷森的学生 I"m calling about a student named Henry Letham. 他是吗? He is? 这就怪了

 雷森夫人 This is very strange, Mrs. Letham. 他跟我说你已经过世了

 喂?喂? He told me you had passed- Hello? Hello? 该死 Damn it.


 我不会待太久的 This is it. I won"t be long. 我等你很久了 I"ve been waiting for you. 雷森夫人? Mrs. Letham? 我是萨姆·福斯特医生

 很抱歉这么晚来打扰你 I"m Dr. Sam Foster. I"m sorry to bother you at this hour. 我还以为你永远都不来了 I thought you"d never come. 我本该早点来的

 我不知道你住这里 I would have come earlier. I didn"t know you were here. 像我这种孤老太太 It"s easy to forget about me... 很容易被遗忘 all alone up here. 我来这里是因为

 你儿子状态不好 Your son"s not w...

推荐访问:剧本 中英文对照 生死
