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时间:2022-07-12 09:15:07 浏览次数:

  《 旅游英语 》课程教学大纲







 一. 课程性质 课程性质:旅游英语是旅游管理专业的必修课,旨在提高旅游专业的学生和旅游从业人员在从事涉外业务所需要的英语交际能力,包括专业阅读、翻译、写作和口头交际的能力。




 无 二、课程目标

 知识目标 :








 Unit 1

 授课学时:4 教学内容:

 Meeting Guests 基本要求:

 1. To master the work procedure and task for a tour guide to meet guests. 2. To make sure what a tour guide should prepare before meeting guests. 3. To obtain the following abilities, such as meeting guests, making a welcome speech, transferring guests to the hotel, indicating the travel plan, and explaining scenery along

  the way. Unit 2

  授课学时:3 教学内容:Hotel Check-in 基本要求:

 1. To master the work procedure and content of a tour group to check in.

 2. To grasp the importance of checking the schedule. 3. To build up the ability of anticipating and dealing with unexpected events during check-in. Unit 3

 授课学时:3 教学内容:Hotel Service 基本要求:

 1. To get familiar with the procedure of catering service. 2. To learn the food culture of tour destinations. 3. To learn and practice the skills of dish ordering and payment. Unit 4 授课学时:4 教学内容:Mountains and Waters Tours 基本要求:

 1. To get familiar with the basic knowledge of mountain and

  waters landscapes. 2. To learn the skills of presenting mountain and waters landscapes. 3. To improve the ability to make up the guiding speech for mountain and water. landscapes

 Unit 5 授课学时:3 教学内容:Garden Tour 基本要求:

 1. To get familiar with the basic knowledge on Chinese garden landscapes. 2. To learn the skills of presenting Chinese garden landscapes. 3. To learn to make up the guiding speech Chinese garden landscapes.

 Unit 6 授课学时:3 教学内容:Temple Tour


 1. To grasp the basic knowledge of religious and cultural landscapes. 2. To learn and practice the skills of presenting religious and cultural landscapes.

  3. To learn to make up the guiding speech for religious and cultural landscapes. Unit 7

  授课学时:3 教学内容:Mausoleum Tour 基本要求:

 1. To get familiar with the basic knowledge of mausoleum. 2. To learn and practice the skills of presenting mausoleum. 3. To improve the ability to make up the guiding speech for mausoleum tour. Unit 8

 授课学时:3 教学内容:

 Shopping Service 基本要求:

 1. To get familiar with the service procedure of shopping. 2. To grasp the characteristics of local specialties in different tourist destinations. 3. To know the precautions in the shopping service. Unit 9 授课学时:4 教学内容:Tourism Entertainment Services 基本要求:

 1. To get familiar with the service procedure.

  2. To grasp local entertainment programs and characteristics of them. 3. To let the students develop a vocabulary related to this topic. Unit 10

 授课学时:3 教学内容:Handling Accidents and Complaints 基本要求:

 1. To get familiar with the basic knowledge of traveling accidents and complaints traveling accidents and complaints. 2. To know the procedures of traveling accidents and complaints. 3. To learn and practice the skills of traveling accidents and complaints. 4. To improve the basic ability to deal with minor accidents.

 Unit 11 授课学时:3 教学内容:Seeing off the Tour Group 基本要求:

 1. To get familiar with the basic knowledge of seeing off the tour group. 2. To learn the techniques of seeing off the tour group. 3. To learn and practice the skills of traveling accidents

  and complaints. 4. To obtain and practice the ability to make up and deliver the farewell speech. Unit 12

 授课学时:3 教学内容:Services of Tour Leader 基本要求:

 1. To learn the basic overview of the destination countries. 2. To practice communication skills. 3. To practice the ability of an independent overseas. 4. To improve the ability to deal with emergencies abroad.


 本课程的教学主要侧重于学生的实践能力,体现教,学,做融为一体,主要是要让学生掌握一些旅游有关的基本技能和技巧,并进行反复的练习,使学生在学习旅游相关知识的同时又提高旅游交际环境中综合应用能力和职业能力。通过小组模拟导游、两人对话、背导游词等多种教学形式调动调动学生积极性,保持课堂的互动性, 激发学生的学习兴趣。

 五 、教学学时分配 表

 章 节 教学内容 教学学时 总课时 讲 课 实验课

  Unit 1 Meeting Guests 4 2 2 Unit 2 Hotel Check-in 3 2 1 Unit 3 Hotel Service 3 2 1 Unit 4 Mountains and Waters Tour 4 2 2 Unit 5 Garden Tour 3 2 1 Unit 6 Temple Tour 3 2 1 Unit 7 Mausoleum Tour 3 2 1 Unit 8 Shopping Service 3 2 1 Unit 9 Tourism Entertainment Services 4 2 2 Unit 10 Handling Accidents and Complains 3 2 1 Unit 11

 Seeing off the Tour Group 3 2 1 Unit 12

 Services of Tour Leader 3 2 1 六、考核方式及评分标准说明

 本课程为考查课,考核方式可采用多角度考核,及包括平时课堂表现,包括:考勤、模拟导游、对话、背诵导游词、2 次小测验。期末考试则采用口试形式。最终期评成绩进行综合评分,由两部分组成:平时成绩占 50%,期末占 50%,评出优、良、中、及格和不及格五个等级的成绩。

  七、教材和主要参考书 八、其他 说明

推荐访问:教学大纲 英语 课程
